The Chips are In---Wett vs Upsolute


Top Post Dawg
Mar 14, 1999
Herron Island, WA
2003 Jetta Wagon
Rene was kind enough to upgrade me to an Upsolute chip. Installed today---@ first I thought power was less---then I made a couple TBs adjs---major power increase!!!! My Ecu hasen't had time to fully adj and I have not had time to fully readjust TB---I would guess power is up 5-10% with 7% being a realistic figure. Low end power is especially up---still having a TOUGH time creating soot/smoke. Bottom line---the upgrade is worth the $---of course Ric and Jeff el cheapo/careful t would not understand

Forum's only distributor for nasty pills and suppositories---call me Snake

[Note: This message has been edited by Peter Cheuk]


Jan 11, 2000
It gets better Doyle, wait till tomorrow. We have found depending on Driving habits and the Maps that are loaded it takes a day to reload all the new parameters. Glad you like it.


I just got mine in the mail last night and hope to have some free time this coming weekend to upgrade. rene even enclosed a nice Upsolute sticker too (what will VWoA think when they see that on my ride???).


Veteran Member
Apr 8, 1999
Kitchener, Ont., Canada
Sounds like what you are saying is that the Upsolute chip and TB work especially well together. This seems to support what others have found. Looks like many of us Upsolutees will be trying both (come Spring of course).

Jason Crabtree

Veteran Member
May 17, 1999
Ontario, Canada
So did you just get the Wett chip flashed or an Up chip put in?

I have the Wett one and haved toyed with just adding an Up TB. Will the Wett work well with the TB?

Hmmm, things to consider for my wee beastie.

Gary Miyakawa

Admin Emeritus
Feb 24, 1999
Roswell, Ga
1998 NB TDI
It's is of my opinion, I believe you will be happier with a Upsolute chip "upgrade" more than Wett + Upsolute TB... Now, that is just my opinion... And if you have the Wett socket already, you "could" send Valios your "stocker" chips and $$$ and he could make them the "Good Stuff"...

Again, It's my opinion...

Gary M


Veteran Member
Jun 11, 1999
In a flood zone
'00 Golf GLS, '03 Wagon GL
Doyle, Doyle, Doyle... what are we going to do with you?...

I can't wait to hear what your new PR is for that run on your favorite mountain twisty...just make sure you stay on the road OK?...we want to be able to compare notes at the next GTG!


Top Post Dawg
Mar 14, 1999
Herron Island, WA
2003 Jetta Wagon
Jason, Rene sent me new chips, said my old ones were throw aways. My Alpin TB worked well with the WETT chip and Is working well with Upsolute---I'm still in the process of tweeking the TB.

Gary, you may be right---haven't had enough time to evaluate:however, Absolute chip+TB is the WAY TO GO!!!!!

Norman, Norman, Norman---you're doing the same stuff---I know you have a chip(Upsolute?)+TB. You're just keeping a lower profile(so your wife wont find out?). Peter coaching you again??? Looking forward to seeing you @ the next GTG if I can make it---7 Starband systems arrived yesterday---ALL sold+I currently(@ this moment) have 3 Sat systems to install
YIKES!!!! And YES!!! I will be going for another Mountain View Rd record when I get some new tires

Forum's only distributor for nasty pills and suppositories---call me Snake

[Note: This message has been edited by Peter Cheuk]


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JeffT:
dparnell is gonna hafta change his name to dparnellZ or maybe Skypup Jr, or better yet Valois's Errand Boy.

He has sold his soul! It is a sad day for the rest of us

Jeffy Two-Timing-T, is your cup only half full or is it half empty? Doesn't matter really, since you only play with half a deck!


Top Post Dawg
Mar 14, 1999
Herron Island, WA
2003 Jetta Wagon
His cup is LESS the half full of I. W. Harper

Forum's only distributor for nasty pills and suppositories---call me Snake


Veteran Member
Oct 4, 1999
Diesel is diesel is diesel!
dparnell, don't you think you should change your signature line from:
"Forum's only distributor for nasty pills and suppositories---call me Snake"

"One of the forum's many distributors of love and affection for the powers that be, and for all the TDI speed freaks---call me speedy"

Read the above with a Paul Lynde voice!

[This message has been edited by JeffT (edited January 04, 2001).]


Top Post Dawg
Mar 14, 1999
Herron Island, WA
2003 Jetta Wagon
Jeff funny t--BEEP!!!!BEEP!!!

Forum's only distributor for nasty pills and suppositories---call me Snake

Turbo Steve

Top Post Dawg
Jan 11, 2000
A major advantage of the Upsolute Chip over a Wett Chip is the advancement of ignition timing, which allows a Tuning Box to be turned up to perform at a higher level of performance than previously with a Wett Chip.

This is mostly because, when the Upsolute Chip Upgrade adds about 4* BTDC as compared to the OEM timing value or code, a more complete combustion process occurs and we know that the ECU uses different software parameters for complete combustion versus incomplete combustion from retarded injection pump timing.


Top Post Dawg
Mar 14, 1999
Herron Island, WA
2003 Jetta Wagon
NO WONDER, I can't get this thing to smoke!!!!

Forum's only distributor for nasty pills and suppositories---call me Snake


Top Post Dawg
Mar 14, 1999
Herron Island, WA
2003 Jetta Wagon
It took 3 days for the ECU to learn the new parameters---power is up closer 10-12% now!!!!! THANKS RENE

Forum's only distributor for nasty pills and suppositories---call me Snake


Top Post Dawg
Mar 14, 1999
Herron Island, WA
2003 Jetta Wagon
Since it rarely gets below 30 degrees here, I never noticed. Ripster, what I have noticed after switching over to Amsoil, the engine runs more quiet and smooth.

Forum's only distributor for nasty pills and suppositories---call me Snake


My Upsolute Jetti is smiling sweet this morning.
I'd say the power increase is about 10-15% better than my Wett setup in conjunction with all my other mods. What amazes me most however is not just the sheer power output, but in the increased responsivness and smoothness.

Engine starts right up, idles like a dream. I can hit 35 psi of boost in all gears now including 5th!
I could only do 24-26 with the Wett chip with the VNT set the same. The downer about the Wett chip was the hesitation while the ECU worked to stabilize the boost, with the Upsolute there is no hesitation, it just goes! Cruising at 60mph on level ground at sea level with the Wett setup gave me constant 3-4psi of boost, mit Upsolute I am running 5-6. Running up to 110mph is a piece of cake at 19psi sustained in 5th, once it gets to 3,000rpm at about 85mph it really starts to bear down hard.

I attribute the noticeable increase in throttle response to the timing advance, it really works nice. I changed out the fuel filter this morning and filled it will Power Service Diesel Fuel Supplement to clean the injectors and let it idle for 20 minutes on just that for fuel. It was SO SMOOTH you could put a cup of coffee on the valve cover and not have coffee jumping out of the cup!

The engine is noticeable quieter too with the injection timing advanced. In conjunction with the Amsoil 10W-40, this baby is sweet!

I love this TDI, it really knows how to put a smile on my face. Every time I set on the throttle I think I am in my Z-71 Pickup with a 350ci V-8 -> except it is even smoother and I am getting 3X+ the mileage too!

[This message has been edited by SkyPup (edited January 06, 2001).]

The Ripster

Veteran Member
Sep 4, 1999
UP of Michigan
None at this time
You will definitely notice the difference when you start cold, (less than 20 F) with the advanced timing, the upsolute really clattered!!!! I am guessing it was the timing, the Wett was a much softer clatter, it was a shocker the first time, and until it warms up. With the engine warmed up however the software showed very little change if any at idle with the numbers, then I hit a deer and have not been able to get more than a couple of days testing the differences.


Former Chip-Monk
May 23, 2000
Oconto, WI
2000 JEDI
i talked to Jefft in the chat room the other day. i think we might be able to get him into UPsolution.

jeff, i was not pulling your leg in there and just trying to sell (trade) you a chip. this will honestly make the TDI experience more enjoyable. once we chip you then we will have to work on ric of course but i think he is too cheap

i cannot tell you guys the difference i feel with the Wett chip back in my JEDI. low end torgue goes back to around 2400rpm from the UPsolutes 1800 and the car looses it at 3700 with the Wett where as theUPsolute pulls strong past redline. also passing does not give the same kick-in-th'pants feel as you get with the UPsolute.

the difference is very strange indeed.

i am still waiting for pugs to post what he thinks about the change. i UPsoluted him around the middle of november and only heard from him once saying he didn't notice much. i have not heard a peep from him since. i would guess maybe the difference is greater then he expected and is now hiding from me



Veteran Member
Jul 12, 1999
Bountiful, Utah, USA
Okay, that was enough to bring me out of hiding.

I do have opinions. I think that the upsolute is better, there is no way around it. I think that I need to swap back in the Whett and see what I notice then. Another thing, I have a K&N Filter that is SCREAMING for a bath. I have got yet more research to perform, but for now...If anyone wants a wett chip, I have one for sale...CHEAP.

more later,



Veteran Member
Apr 8, 1999
Kitchener, Ont., Canada
Great to hear this SkyPup. You have confirmed exactly what I found, that cruising boost is up about 2 lbs across the board. But 35 lbs. max!!?? Based on your concerns in the past over turning up the turbo too much, you must now be running some major intercooler mods. Come on, fess up!

Peter Cheuk

Gasser :P
Aug 31, 1998
Daly City, Calif., USA
'06 Jetta GLI
Doyle, call me AR, but you have been calling it Absolute when it is UPsolute! It has been driving me crazy (as if my wife hasn't been doing a good enough job

Yeah, the Upsolute chips are great. I have told myself to stop stomping on the go pedal to see what kind of mileage I can get. So far, "WillPower" - 0, "The Devil Made Me Do It" - 10,000,000,000.


Veteran Member
Jun 11, 1999
In a flood zone
'00 Golf GLS, '03 Wagon GL
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Peter Cheuk:
Doyle, call me AR, but you have been calling it Absolute when it is UPsolute! It has been driving me crazy (as if my wife hasn't been doing a good enough job

Peter, relax... here, have another char siu bau, it's on Doyle..

Doyle, I am surprised that you have not reported back on your conquering glory over Mtn. View Rd.

[This message has been edited by Norman (edited January 08, 2001).]


Top Post Dawg
Mar 14, 1999
Herron Island, WA
2003 Jetta Wagon
SORRY Peter, I brain farted
---oldtimers again. BTW, your wife has been doing an EXCELLENT job!!!!!!! Take two pork buns and call me in the morning

Dyann says I drive her crazy and I tell her it's a VERY short drive.

Norman, I haven't had a chance to drive Mt. View Rd---TOO BUSY!!!!

Forum's only distributor for nasty pills and suppositories---call me Snake