Thanks for the posts here is what I think
Wow I have been out of the loop for a while and haven't been able to reply to this post. I never thought it would get this big but I am glad it did. My main goal is to get this information out to people who are considering purchasing the Greascar system for the VW TDI.
I believe in Vegetable oil as a fuel however I do not believe that a company should be selling a kit and claiming that there is no risk of installing it in your vehicle. Furthermore, I felt it was unfair that I wasn't at least given a refund or a call to talk about the situation.
Sure it says they are not responsible for properly installing it and maintaining it. I installed it as the instructions said. I filtered the oil with their equipment they provided me. The kit worked as designed and in the process damaged my injection pump.
I am certain that the vegetable oil caused the failure on my injection pump. I have two theories:
A. The system did not allow for proper heating and caused strain on my injection pump. The TDI is a small pump that is made to pump diesel from the fuel tank through the filter and into the injectors. All of the extra fuel lines could have caused strain on the pump.
B. I believe that somehow air might have got into the system and damaged the pump maybe because of a faulty valve.
It doesn't matter to me what happen but I am POSITIVE it was a direct cause of SVO and the Greasecar system. Yeah it works for a lot of people but other people have also had serious problem with it. Yes lots of people have Greasecar systems but a large portion of those people have IDI engines and not TDI. The ones running SVO in their TDI god bless and I am glad you have had a good experience thus far. I guess my pump couldn’t take it. I suspect yours will eventually succumb to the VO if you continue to use Greasecars poor quality product.
I am not a middled aged man like most of your guys and I am not an expert scientist, mechanic, or engineer. I am a 23-year-old Army cadet getting a degree in Management. I do have mechanical knowledge and I have worked on cars before, I assure you I am not an idiot. You’re right I should have done research and I did. I found little to suggest that Vegetable oil might cause this type of a problem but I have since found the TDI/SVO controversy and other people with similar problems. Greasecar is a relatively new product that has been gaining lots of ground recently since gas prices have gone up. Eventually I believe we will see more problems with the greasecar system and more complaints. Even Journeytoforever had a problem with their injection pump. Greasecar reassured me that the product was safe for my TDI and it ISN’T.
THE FACT IS GREASECAR HAS THE BURDEN OF PROOF ON THEIR SHOULDERS. They must prove to their consumers that this product is safe for their vehicles. If Greasecar feels so confident that their product is safe for TDI I encourage them to back it with a guarantee or warranty. Greasecar should have a policy of helping the consumer instead of brushing them aside. Greasecar has gotten too big and they have lost focus with their customer base. Their sales were estimated to reach over 1 million dollars this year. Maybe they should use some of their net income and invest it in better customer service and product R&D. I would have never mentioned my problem on this forum if Greasecar helped me with my problem. They asked for this bad publicity. I believe and hope that these posts will discourage people to do business with Greasecar. GREASECAR IS EXPLOITING PEOPLE LOOKING TO SAVE MONEY ON FUEL COSTS BY OFFERING A POORLY CONSTRUCTED AND ENGINEERED PRODUCT.
I can’t claim to know much about the Elbetts (spelling ??) system but it seems to be a better design for the TDI. I have not done research on that system so I wouldn’t say go buy that system but I would say that is a safer bet.
I believe in Vegetable oil as potential fuel of the future. Greasecars system is a crude unresearched and undeveloped system that lacks any true legitimate research or engineering. The guys that designed this are not engineers or scientist. My advice through this ordeal is to sit tight and wait until reputable companies that can stand behind their name come out with products they will stand behind. Don’t you think that companies like VW would come out with systems like this for the TDI if they had faith in running systems like this in their product? I had a website even promoting the Greasecar system, which I have since taken down (
Will I sue Greasecar? That remains to be seen. It guess it depends on whether we see this problem increase as Greasecar sells more of these kits. I sure hope that is forum will make people think twice before risking their TDI. I will ask Greasecar to refund me again but I doubt they will. I wouldn’t know how to go about doing a “charge back” on my credit card like on man suggested. I may just end up selling it on ebay or to one of the people on the forums.
I don’t have a lot of time to do research on this topic but based on these forums and forums I have read on Greasecars website, people are having problems. I am causing more a stink than people might think necessary but I am legitimately concerned about the increasing problems these kits are causing. I have sent a complaint to the FTC through their website and I am taking other measures to get solid research done on these technologies and products. Companies must be held liable for their product and the possible damage they may cause. If my complaints are not founded then no harm is done. I read a case where one girl was involved in an interstate accident when her greasecar system failed and her car stalled.
I have written some letters to different new agencies and organization in hopes to stimulate more research and help inform consumers about the risks.
PS I didn't proof read this so don't be too harsh. Your not my professor and your not giving me a grade.
To the man/women who asked if I lived in Missouri before I moved to NC. No I did not but I lived their for 5 1/2 months when I trained as a US Army Soldier and a US Army Military Police officer. I don't know whether you intended to insult the great people of Missouri but I find it distasteful to get off topic and insult people you don't know.