Veteran Member
Would love to see some pics or vids 
...Sounded a lot like my conical Burr coffee grinder for about half a mile.
I welded it up and welded it up pretty thick, inside and out. I think having a new one would be best.Looks like you have enough room/clearance that you could weld it and add a few gussets to reinforce?
Looks kind of like the Battlestar Galactica at the end of the series when it had been all beat to hell .......Yup! super rigid motor mount combined with a boatload of torque made it crack all over. I welded it up but I should probably figure out what other part numbers fit because this one doesn't appear to be available in NA.
Looks kind of like the Battlestar Galactica at the end of the series when it had been all beat to hell .......
essentially the years of use have done the same thing to that motor mount bracket.
Maybe you can find machine shop that can make a similar piece. Then maybe you can cut the cracked one out clean and weld in a new one , your hand made new one in.....
I just happen to own 2 4-axis CNC's.....I bet JFettig could make his own engine mount?? haha