Thank You to Volunteers


TDIClub Enthusiast , Veteran Member & HO5G CoFound
Jul 30, 2002
1999 Golf IV, Black and now 2015 Reflex Silver Passat SE
I can't believe it's already been a week since we all gathered in Valley Forge for TDIFest 2006. It seems like just yesterday that Tomo won the BUG*PWR award...

Anyway, I wanted to publicly give thanks to those who while not officially part of the 2006 Planning Committee, contributed an enormous amount of energy in seeing that the Fest was a smooth success. I apologize in advance if I miss someone; I was pretty beat by the time things ended on Monday.

I can only name the folks with whom I worked directly; I invite my fellow organizers to chime in with their additions.

On Friday we had 200 VW backpacks to stuff with goodies before noon. The Meganuke family (perhaps infringing on some child Labor Laws) started things rolling. We quickly assimilated early arrival David Porter to round out the group. We can also thank MPGeez! for all those yummy UTZ chips that you found in your bags. The second round of bag stuffing found Mrs. Chill, Zippy_Car and jettafock in a mound of backpacks in the middle of the hospitality suite.

Mr. & Mrs. Meganuke were an invaluable asset during the first hours of registration, as I worked out the kinks of registering SO many people as walk-ins. Other volunteers that helped me out at registration were Mrs. Chill, Mrs. jsrmonster, DeeBee, Zippy_car, PeterV and of course VW Derf. Without your help, we'd still have people lined up.

Mrs. Meganuke, Mrs. Chill, Zippy_Car & DeeBee all helped to get the raffle in order and run, as well as set up the awards for the banquet. It was Mikeyworks' megaphone that broadcasted the winning raffle ticket numbers.

BRUSSELS_BELGIAN offered his services as receiver of shipments. His Mercedes sat out in the rain so YOUR backpacks would stay dry! Thanks also for your services as sometime chauffeur of those more 'locally' challenged. The chauffeur services of Bigbtdi45 were also appreciated.

I'd like to thank our volunteer Show n Shine judges tongsli & BeetleGo, who along with VW Derf decided this year's winners.

I understand that a few people volunteered equipment to facilitate the midnight movie when our equipment was less than cooperative. I believe it was Fanofalldiesel's laptop projector, w4audi's speakers or wires, and someone else's bits n pieces that got us up and running.

I didn't get far beyond the hospitality suite, so please - fellow organizers, help me out!

Without these folks, the Fest would not have run so smoothly. My hat's off to you!