Top Post Dawg
I hope everyone in Texas has put their power service winter treatment fuel antifreeze in their tank as it's going to be cold and there will be problems without it more than likely.
Hopefully the airport folks treated their equipment...It seems we aren't getting much down here in the Austin area. Light drizzle at the moment and 36 degrees. Not supposed to get below freezing tonight and rain clearing after midnight. Friday will get below freezing at night but no rain/moisture. Then warmer for the next 10 days and no rain.. Looks like we dodged it this time around. Leaving next Friday after retiring and headed for the Caribbean until the end of March, so missing most of the cold.
WOW, Lucky!! (sarcasm) that's more than we have here. Were totally missing out.
From my front porch this morning. It snowed all day yesterday and I think continued overnight.
I took a ruler out earlier, we had 7 inches of snow. That's wild we got more than you (just checked your location).WOW, Lucky!! (sarcasm) that's more than we have here. Were totally missing out.
You have more snow than we have ice on the lake and snow combined. Ice is growing though.I took a ruler out earlier, we had 7 inches of snow. That's wild we got more than you (just checked your location).
Hard to believe. Definitely a rarity here.You have more snow than we have ice on the lake and snow combined. Ice is growing though.
Well, I hope he hasnt contributed to the gene pool if ya know what I mean. Got butt freezing cold in The Third World Living Zone of South Texas near Corpus Christi. My cats tirds gelled thats about it. My heater works good now . I warm my car up about ten minutes before I leave. I leave the driver side door slightly ajar . Im afraid it will lock automatically while Im not in it. I also park with my passenger door facing the North wind and rain so when I open the door to get in I dont get pulverized by freezing wind and rain. I keep my little buddy, a Marlin Camp 9 handy in case someone tries to steal it while its running . But then again you dont want to shoot your own car to pieces, glass flying , metal and upholstery flying all over the place.Yep. I'm a heavy equipment field mechanic- last winter I went to a customers job, 6 machines gelled. Guy had been running equipment longer than I'd been alive, and had never heard of fuel gelling.
Florida has a frozen Iguana alert going on. There are some massive Iguanas in South Florida, 30- 40lbs no exaggeration, maybe bigger .You have more snow than we have ice on the lake and snow combined. Ice is growing though.
Yeah plus, dont get drunk and pass out by a river bank in Florida. You'll get ate by a Gator , squeezed to death by a Python or et by an Iguana.Invasive species....there are bounties on them in some people pay exterminators to control them....
I got to "she pulled out her revolver" and thought who C&C a revolver?? Then read the rest of the sentance. Ahh once again JWH joking around lol.Yeah plus, dont get drunk and pass out by a river bank in Florida. You'll get ate by a Gator , squeezed to death by a Python or et by an Iguana.
Did you hear about the the woman she was saved from a Gator because she had a concealed carry permit.
Her and her ex husband were walking along the river bank discussing their divorce when a Gator appeared! She pulled out her revolver just in time to shoot her ex husband in the knee cap ! She was able to escape cause her husband fell down and the Gator got him
That explains a lot! You did say you were from Florida, didn't you?Florida has a frozen Iguana alert going on. There are some massive Iguanas in South Florida, 30- 40lbs no exaggeration, maybe bigger .
What happens is when South Florida gets a deep freeze, which is rare, those Iguanas are up in the trees and they freeze solid. So you could be walking along and all of sudden a frozen Iguana could fall out of the tree and konk you in the head! Knock you plumb out or worse . Avoid tree canopies and overhead vegetation
Yes!!!!!!! You have solved what everyone was wonderingThat explains a lot! You did say you were from Florida, didn't you?
Nah... but I ate a lizard onceI got to "she pulled out her revolver" and thought who C&C a revolver?? Then read the rest of the sentance. Ahh once again JWH joking around lol.
Ever eat an iguana JWH?
Yep, got konked in the head by a frozen lizardThat explains a lot! You did say you were from Florida, didn't you?
Yes you are correct. They even have guided Iguana hunts. Or hunters roam the canals or golf courses in residential areas and plop them with high powered air rifles with scopes.Invasive species....there are bounties on them in some people pay exterminators to control them....
Not sure honestly if he contributed or not. I also have had that worry, but also have a spare key on standby if it ever happened. Ha, man your posts are funny, but yes, definitely keep a little firepower handy, the world is nuts, would much rather not need it and have it than the other way around.Well, I hope he hasnt contributed to the gene pool if ya know what I mean. Got butt freezing cold in The Third World Living Zone of South Texas near Corpus Christi. My cats tirds gelled thats about it. My heater works good now . I warm my car up about ten minutes before I leave. I leave the driver side door slightly ajar . Im afraid it will lock automatically while Im not in it. I also park with my passenger door facing the North wind and rain so when I open the door to get in I dont get pulverized by freezing wind and rain. I keep my little buddy, a Marlin Camp 9 handy in case someone tries to steal it while its running . But then again you dont want to shoot your own car to pieces, glass flying , metal and upholstery flying all over the place.
So what you do is put a skunk in there and if someone tries stealing your car and they see that skunk they jumps out then ya shoot at em
Intelligently? You have high standardsFor me: annoying horizontal snow at approx. 45 mph for two alh Beetles and one F-250 parked outside of Sturgis with their butts to the wind. AGAIN, the engine compartments are solidly packed with snow and I just don't understand the phenomenon. I thought when this happened last was just a one-in-a-million event.
For the life of me, I just can't understand how the snow blows up and packs into the entire space/spaces. How can the snow be so absolutely a frozen brick? When it warms up....mid-May.....I will park at 90 degree angle instead.
Packing snow this tight requires pressure. Can someone intelligently explain this?
What part of the sunshine state were you housed in?Yep, got konked in the head by a frozen lizard
I assume it's like drifts. soft at first but with the wind and cold it hardens. Usually drifts are soft for a little while then they harden. You learn to test the drift before hitting it hard when snowmobiling lol. You only make that mistake once. Maybe something to do with the temp of the snow and moisture. It kind of glues together then freezes creating hardened snow.For me: annoying horizontal snow at approx. 45 mph for two alh Beetles and one F-250 parked outside of Sturgis with their butts to the wind. AGAIN, the engine compartments are solidly packed with snow and I just don't understand the phenomenon. I thought when this happened last was just a one-in-a-million event.
For the life of me, I just can't understand how the snow blows up and packs into the entire space/spaces. How can the snow be so absolutely a frozen brick? When it warms up....mid-May.....I will park at 90 degree angle instead.
Packing snow this tight requires pressure. Can someone intelligently explain this?
Well if he had kids he did. If they play with the dust in the sunbeams shining through the window thats when you know they aint right. Thats an old line from a forgotten Eddie Rabbit song , called Rocky Mountain Music .Not sure honestly if he contributed or not. I also have had that worry, but also have a spare key on standby if it ever happened. Ha, man your posts are funny, but yes, definitely keep a little firepower handy, the world is nuts, would much rather not need it and have it than the other way around.
St. Lucie County Jail, 900 N. Rock Rd. Ft. Pierce Fl. 34945. We just called it Rock Road. Thats where all the locals usually ended up , for various violations ,DWI, public intoxication, drug smuggling , little things like that.What part of the sunshine state were you housed in?
Oceanside, never been. I've been all along the gulf side and down into Key West. A friend of a friend extended his hospitality, great time. Drove a 1999 Tahoe, ex Fish and Wildlife truck back home.St. Lucie County Jail, 900 N. Rock Rd. Ft. Pierce Fl. 34945. We just called it Rock Road. Thats where all the locals usually ended up , for various violations ,DWI, public intoxication, drug smuggling , little things like that.
Ft. Pierce is one of the most beautiful places in Florida. With one of the most beautiful inlets you ever wanna see. Five miles out your catching Dolphin Cobia, King , Grouper , Snapper etc. They call this the Treasure Coast because in 1715 a Spanish fleet of Galleons heavily laden with treasure sank right off the coast from a hurricane. Treasure Salvors are currently searching for Treasure to this day its legal and they lease the areas from the state.
Step off the boat and head West and your in cattle and citrus country. The Adams Ranch is one of the most famous ranches in the world for their breed of cattle. The term Cracker was the Cattlemen cracking whips to herd cattle. Florida was the last state in our Country that had open ranges and there were wild cattle they called Yellow Hammers they rounded up and sold them . To read the actual history of that area, theres a book called a Land Remembered by Patrick D. Smith. It covers Ft. Pierce , Ft. Drum and surrounding areas. These forts were established to exterminate the Seminole Indians.