New member
Recently got myself into my first project. Got a fairly decent deal on a 06 jetta tdi. Already hoodstacked and deleted. Had 380k. Needed some work. Put a 130k mile motor in, runs just fine, same trans. Possibly 380k. Did hubs and cvs, rotors, skipped pads in the front(looked fine). Have went through atleast 4 autozone cvs, continue to have an odd grind/clunk near the driver side cv that I can oddly work around when operating. Between gears, no load, moving it sounds horrible. But quick shifting and getting into gear it doesn't sound horrible. When slowing down hitting the breaks and coming to a stop fast seems to make the noise even out... any ideas. Have people saying trans bearings but would take any recommendations. Anyone else had a load of bad cvs from autozone? Or any parts store inspecifically?