TDIFest OH-8 (2008) coming to Mason, OH


Veteran Member
Sep 26, 2002
Roseville, MI
2002 Golf GLS, Silver
Very nice, I am thinking of making a week out of it with my wife.

King's Island
Cincy Zoo
Jeff Ruby's (dry aged beef in house)
Oh yeah, and my first fest;)



Veteran Member
Oct 14, 2002
Cincinnati, OH
Others: 82 MB 300D Turbodiesel & 2010 BMW X5 35D
Oh this is going to be fun. First ... hats off to Bruce (Paramedick) in keeping the rest of us moving forward; your job has just begun! ;) We've got a great group of volunteers to help make the TDIFest OH-8 a good one. For a great number of you the location should be drive-able and if you plan early it could be a really nice weekend for the family.

Besides the 'pay for Kings Island, Beach Waterpark, and a 12 screen Showcase Cinemas within walking distance of the host hotel, there are a few other items for the family you might want to consider around Cincinnati. I"ll suggest a couple: Labor Day weekend is also Riverfest weekend in Cincinnati -- the fireworks are fantastic; good enough to draw 500,000 people every year. (personal links) You might want to consider using that as leverage with your significant other? (besides its a frugal TDI-er FREE activity)
Another great idea would be the National Museum of the USAF in Dayton ... just a short drive north. I'm sensing that GMark wants to coordinate a convoy up there so stay tuned if that interests you. If you've not visited that with your family ... its well worth the price of admission. (Hint - Free)

As for the TDIFest OH-8 itself ... here's wetting your appetite: Socialization should be easy as there are several areas of the conference hotel that include sitting areas perfect for small and larger groups. We'll have a tech sessions on Saturday morning, the host of TDIFest vendors in a private parking lot, a Show 'n' Shine and the "what's new" at VWoA including a Dieselution Tour stop. (no promises but it is in the works -- after my first conversation to VWoA they were very receptive) Our Ohio TDI rally racing celebrity Jon Hamilton (RallyVW) is working on a surprise that should be a fun too, so be sure to have your navigation and driving skills sharpened up. Hopefully this is enough to get you to mark the calendar as this is one TDIFest not to miss.

Oh ... and those chomping at the bit to part with money and register ... hang on ... it's only been a day! :D


May 2, 2001
Zephyr, TX
Jetta GL, 2002, Galactic Blue - R.I.P.
Great job guys. We usually take an annual pilgrimage to Cincinnati right after the kids get out of school. My in-laws live in Covington (and my FIL has an 03 Jetta that some of you may have had the opportunity to work on) - we will be delaying that trip to the other end of summer this year.

My kids are kinda small to justify the Kings Island admission price but we go to Coney Island all the time - might be a side trip for younger kids that could get thrown into the mix.



Veteran Member
Oct 21, 2005
Limerick, PA
02 Passat Wagon - evil gasser :)
any music buffs wanna make the trek to the Rock & Roll Fall of Fame and Museum? it's only 227 miles & 3.5 hrs's a trip made for TDIs :D


Veteran Member
May 18, 2004
2021 Tesla Model 3 (delivery estimate May 2021)
Bookworm said:
If I still have my TDI next year, yes I would make that drive.
I'm looking for ideas to avoid the maelstrom that would be the Twin Cities right after the Fest.


TDIClub Enthusiast, Pre-Forum Veteran Member
Jun 20, 1998
Sterling, MA. USA
2015 GSW 6M in S trim the other oil burners: 1967 two stroke Sonett 1988 Bolens DGT1700
validius said:
Not driving 12 hours to get to TDIFest: FTMFW
"FTMFW", what's that? Friday To Monday: Full Week?

darkscout said:
burpod and I volunteer to staff the bar. :)
Just don't bar the event staff...


Veteran Member
Feb 19, 2004
2015 GTI SE 6M
Bob-I'll be heading down that way as I always go back for Riverfest every year. Chances are damned near every one on the road will pass me as I do a relaxed 60 MPH or so. this is my one chance a year to get some real good fuel economy numbers as I normally drive city miles in Chicago.
And you have no idea how many cops there are on that weekend until you see guys on the back of tractors in work zones with radar guns, andd cars with the hood up and there's a trooper crouched under there with a radar gun.


Oil Wanker
Sep 5, 2004
2003 Jetta - Alaska Green (sold) / 2015 GTI 2.0T
Thunderstruck said:
Bob-I'll be heading down that way as I always go back for Riverfest every year. Chances are damned near every one on the road will pass me as I do a relaxed 60 MPH or so. this is my one chance a year to get some real good fuel economy numbers as I normally drive city miles in Chicago.
And you have no idea how many cops there are on that weekend until you see guys on the back of tractors in work zones with radar guns, andd cars with the hood up and there's a trooper crouched under there with a radar gun.
Where do they do THAT?:eek:


Grammar Scout
May 28, 2006
2003 Golf
Bob_Fout said:
Any IL peeps convoy planned?
I may take that opportunity to visit the Piano Man in Lafayette Thursday night and when I [strike]sober[/strike] wake up Friday I'll be heading through Indy. I figure we could do a convoy from Indy.

Indy's going to have quite a few TDIs passing through. If you look at a map anyone North West of a line going between Cinci and El Paso, TX is going to be passing through Indy.

Map 1

Map 2

None of Michigan, but any place west of South Bend will be going through. Including the Chicago crowd and any of those 'don't ya know' states.

Sounds like a rally point to me.


Veteran Member
Feb 19, 2004
2015 GTI SE 6M
They do it on the Tri State and on 80 going to 65 South. If you see a consruction worker that weekend-he's a cop with a radar gun. I saw a lot of them.


Top Post Dawg
Apr 4, 2005
Stafford,NY (WNY)
'03 Galactic Blue Jetta TDI, '15 Silk Blue Golf Sportwagen TDI
Yeah-when is last time you've seen a road construction worker on weekend??That is pretty sneaky-I'm surprised I haven't seen that yet around here.I still need to do mapquest to see how many miles to the fest...


Oil Wanker
Sep 5, 2004
2003 Jetta - Alaska Green (sold) / 2015 GTI 2.0T
My whole trip back from FL to IL I saw road construction on the weekend.


TDIClub Enthusiast , Veteran Member & HO5G CoFound
Jul 30, 2002
1999 Golf IV, Black and now 2015 Reflex Silver Passat SE
compu_85 said:
Ohhh, are we having a road rally type event like the WI fest? That would be COOL.

Cool that is, until they require you to find a green barn...;) :D :D


TDIClub Enthusiast , Veteran Member & HO5G CoFound
Jul 30, 2002
1999 Golf IV, Black and now 2015 Reflex Silver Passat SE
Congratulations, guys! It's looking like a fine time in Ohio will be had by all!

Let me know if you there are any questions I can answer...


Route 66

Veteran Member
Jan 17, 1997
2005 VW
723 miles from Minneapolis, 11 hours 23 minutes for anyone keeping that quetion in the back of their mind.


Oil Wanker
Sep 5, 2004
2003 Jetta - Alaska Green (sold) / 2015 GTI 2.0T
That's only driving 63 MPH. At 70 MPH it's 10 hours 20 minutes.


Veteran Member
Feb 1, 2006
Atlanta Jawja
-Whitey: 2000 Jetta GLS, Red: 2000 Jetta GLS 5-speed
RichC said:
Another great idea would be the National Museum of the USAF in Dayton ... just a short drive north. I'm sensing that GMark wants to coordinate a convoy up there so stay tuned if that interests you. If you've not visited that with your family ... its well worth the price of admission. (Hint - Free)
Sign me up! That's Wright-Patterson AFB, right? Where they took the Roswell UFO crash debris and alien corpses? Where President Nixon showed his friend Jackie Gleason the bodies?

From wiki:

The museum has many rare and important aircraft and other exhibits, including one of four surviving Convair B-36s, the only surviving XB-70 Valkyrie, and Bockscar—the B-29 Superfortress that dropped the second atomic bomb in World War II.

There is a large section of the museum dedicated to pioneers of flight, especially the Wright Brothers, who conducted some of their experiments at nearby Huffman Prairie. A replica of the Wright's 1909 Military Flyer is on display, as well as other Wright Brothers artifacts. The building also hosts the National Aviation Hall of Fame, which includes several educational exhibits.

The museum completed the construction of a third hangar and hall of missiles in 2004. It now houses Cold War-era planes such as the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber (test aircraft), the F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter and others.

The museum has an IMAX theatre that mainly features aviation and space oriented IMAX films. There is a charge for these films.

RichC said:
As for the TDIFest OH-8 itself ... here's wetting your appetite: Socialization should be easy as there are several areas of the conference hotel that include sitting areas perfect for small and larger groups. We'll have a tech sessions on Saturday morning, the host of TDIFest vendors in a private parking lot, a Show 'n' Shine and the "what's new" at VWoA including a Dieselution Tour stop. (no promises but it is in the works -- after my first conversation to VWoA they were very receptive) Our Ohio TDI rally racing celebrity Jon Hamilton (RallyVW) is working on a surprise that should be a fun too, so be sure to have your navigation and driving skills sharpened up. Hopefully this is enough to get you to mark the calendar as this is one TDIFest not to miss.
RichC said:
Oh ... and those chomping at the bit to part with money and register ... hang on ... it's only been a day!
Chomp-chomp! :D :D


Veteran Member
Sep 15, 2004
Back from Iraq!
2004 Jetta GL Reflex Silver 5 speed. Ventectomy, coolant migration mod, Hella Comets, FK air ducts.
LurkerMike said:
Sign me up! That's Wright-Patterson AFB, right? Where they took the Roswell UFO crash debris and alien corpses? Where President Nixon showed his friend Jackie Gleason the bodies?

From wiki:

The museum has many rare and important aircraft and other exhibits, including one of four surviving Convair B-36s, the only surviving XB-70 Valkyrie, and Bockscar—the B-29 Superfortress that dropped the second atomic bomb in World War II.

There is a large section of the museum dedicated to pioneers of flight, especially the Wright Brothers, who conducted some of their experiments at nearby Huffman Prairie. A replica of the Wright's 1909 Military Flyer is on display, as well as other Wright Brothers artifacts. The building also hosts the National Aviation Hall of Fame, which includes several educational exhibits.

The museum completed the construction of a third hangar and hall of missiles in 2004. It now houses Cold War-era planes such as the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber (test aircraft), the F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter and others.

The museum has an IMAX theatre that mainly features aviation and space oriented IMAX films. There is a charge for these films.

Chomp-chomp! :D :D


This is one of the activities we're thinking about. The NMUSAF is one of the best air museums anywhere. Hopefully, we'll have enough interest to make it a "go". I can promise that no one will be disappointed! :)



Got Soot Vendor
Nov 24, 2003
Millersport, Ohio
Schmutz, 2015 Golf Sportwagen DSG & Schnurren, 2001 Golf GL 2 door 5M
not until after tdifest OH-8 :p

TDIFest IX is fine.. but since its in OHIO, it should for this year stay OH-8 :)


Veteran Member
May 18, 2004
2021 Tesla Model 3 (delivery estimate May 2021)
Bookworm said:
Chicago,Chicago,Chicago no I Pass
There are no monthly fees, just a small deposit, and you pay only half as much for the tolls. And you go through the mainline tollbooths at highway speed, as well. No-brainer, IMO.


May 2, 2001
Zephyr, TX
Jetta GL, 2002, Galactic Blue - R.I.P.
I did this trip (RT, Cinci to St. Paul) this summer. Had my NH issued EZPass with me - Chicago was a breeze. Nice drive.



TDIClub Enthusiast, Pre-Forum Veteran Member
Jun 20, 1998
Sterling, MA. USA
2015 GSW 6M in S trim the other oil burners: 1967 two stroke Sonett 1988 Bolens DGT1700
Roman Holiday

Growler said:
TDIFest IX is fine..
So,... Who wants to bid to host TDIFest "Icks"?:p