I broke up my trip home. Going through Ontario, n8ronJ and I maintained about 100 kph until the QEW. That's when we saw Mr. Chill go by us at 130 kph, so we kept up with him for several kilometers. I felt like I was driving in Deutschland again. n8ronJ took the Lewiston (wrong) Bridge into the U.S. (can't read delay signs???), I took the Rainbow Bridge (nice view of the Falls), and Chill went toward the Peace Bridge. Stopped at my aunt and uncle's place south of Rochester for the night, and then got home early Tuesday afternoon in time to spend 3 hours on the lawn mower (Ugh!)
I had a great time at my first TDI Fest, and can envision my going to future fests. It was an honor to get second place in the Show-n-Shine modified category. Fred told me I was beat by one point by Sprocket's 2005 Passat TDI. He deserved it! Beautiful Passat. Maybe if I had that LSD installed I could have garnered those two extra points. Next fest.
I got 56.0 mpg on the way to the fest. I expect to have achieved even better on the trip home, as my fuel gauge was at the "half" mark at 677 miles. Outstanding!!! I'll fill up when the "orange light of love" comes on; hoping to surpass 900 miles on this tank.