Top Post Dawg
Actually the question should be: "You won't spend $55 to help support"?
Somewhere I've found references to a RC stage 7, 7000 RPM tune.When I first got tuned I remember saying "Oh my God! Oh mY GOD!! OH MY GOD!!!" faster than I shifted into the next gear. I don't know how many times I said it all together, but for the record, I still say it from time to time but I said it over and over again. It's that good, and I'm only basic Level I chip (Rocket goes to VI now, I believe). I will upgrade as soon as my car starts to feel like I need different one. It's a very cheap way to make your car new all over again!
I look forward to going for the drive. I can't wait!
You're going to beat Matt-98AHU! He hasn't even left Santa Maria yet!Starting out in about 90 minutes; see you there!
Too bad, I was looking forward to catching up with you!I am going to have to bow out of this thing, I'm afraid. I have a family emergency I have to take care of and won't be able to make it.
This means that I have some tickets to some sold out events. I have tickets to:
Meet and Greet
Hey guys, I have set up an online photo gallery for my photos of TDIFest 2012. I will be uploading photos at random intervals. the link is here
I can also setup accounts for anyone who wants to be able to upload to this gallery. That way we can have a collective location for photos.
sounds like a planThat's great Frank,
I also added this years section to the TDIClub gallery for pics as well here:
Perhaps the best of can be moved there as well?