*snip*... But in the end not enough interest from fellow Colorado TDIers showed up . But if something can be put together I'm there to help & take part .
The Colorado crew are a good group of people. They helped me out in a pinch. I'd back 'em.

I still remember you, rotary.
San Francisco would probably be the coolest place to have the fest. The temperature would be between 65 and 75 degrees during the day with 50-60 degrees at night.
nooooo way! most new comers to the peninsula wouldn't know how to handle the thick Marine Layer fog that blankets that city.

and think of all the clutches that would burn on some of our hills!
But what may happen is several people who don't know each other may make a post for a particular city or region. They see each others's posts, contact each, and put together a committee/proposal.
That being said, don't have experience organizing an event like Fest. But if a New England group were to form, I might be interested in helping.
New England's already happened. probably won't come back to NE for a VERY long time. however, that doesn't go to say that a NE group can't have a hand in organizing one that's a reasonable distance from NE.

You make an excellent point DJQ.... this thread is all about stirring up interest. To bring awareness to those who may not know. Albeit, every year it stirs up the same debate over lip service and debating over lip service is basically pointless. If we debated over discussing this topic and where people would like it to be, then we'd have to discount about 1/2 the posts on this forum. a forum is exactly what it means... a place for people to express interest, post questions, research answers, express opinions.
So let's do ourselves a favor... STOP ARGUING! it's not going to get us anywhere and just serves to piss people off.
LOL........It took them 8 years to get it back out west.......and it was there basicly because your transplanted NOR EASTER organized it.......
Frankly, it makes me sad to think that you've segregated things that much, Tomo. I know you mean no harm, but to this group deserves a lot of credit for their hard work this year.
This isn't a East VS West debate. That's what it's starting to sound like to me. it's supposed to be an East AND West (and every place in between!) community. We succeeded this year in introducing some of the East, West, and Central states all together at this years Fest and it was great! Let's keep that bond going rather than splitting it.
West coast isnt happening 2 years in a row........
Why not? Remember it isn't where the city is located, it's where the group with the best proposal is located.
If a west coast group comes up with a proposal that is more well thought out than any other proposal, then that settles it.
Good point, Jon.
Zippy was the LEAD organizer. Not the ONLY organizer. Saying that fest would have not happened here without her discredits all the others on our TEAM that came together to make everything go so well.
I was not trying to discredit anyone I would like to make that perfectly clear! Would your group have put together a proposal had Zippy not stepped up! I hear you guys had a great Fest! Congrats! Zippy has now had a direct hand in planning of at least 4 of the last 5 fests!
In the last few posts I've seen my name posted a lot. For once, this saddens me simply because I feel I've been put into the middle of a debate that shouldn't even be taking place.

Even though I'm sure it was unintended and no harm was meant, I'd like for this to stop now, please.
Allow me to clarify a few things and hopefully bring these debates down a notch...
1. Yes, I was the lead organizer for TDIFest 2007 & 2010 and I've volunteered with TDIFest since 2006. I try to be helpful.
2. Yes, I'm a California Transplant from Rhode Island - However, while that is a fun story that I love to tell it has very little bearing on TDIFest 2010 or 2011.
3. Yes, living in RI and being a part of the great NE crew helped me to make some great connections and wonderful friends. But this year NE'ers have had very little, if any, direct influence on TDIFest outside of the steering committee and vendor networking. A couple of NE'er were present and very helpful with Fest 2010, but far more West Coast participants were helping this year, than east. and for the record, if i moved to Alaska or Italy, i'd be all for having a Fest in my backyard again!
4. TDIFest 2010 PDX was a TEAM effort. I've said it directly to FRED from the very beginning of the 2010 planning process, that this is the best group of people that I've ever organized an event with. While my 2007 experience demonstrated how the Great NE family pulls through when you truly need them (love you guys!), 2007 didn't go as smoothly as 2010 in the planning process for me personaly. Fest 2010 was truly a TEAM effort and I refuse to take full credit for the complete organizing process. I played a significant role, yes. But WE couldn't have done it without each others help -east and west.
5. Whether it was I who stepped up to organize a West Fest or not doesn't matter. It finally happened and was greatly successful in raising the funds needed to keep this club going for another year! -That's the beating heart of TDIClub and TDIFest... not who is organizing, but how well they organize.
6. I HATE seeing people going back and forth like this. Especially when it's several people that I know fairly well at this point, because you're all part of my family and our community. We all have our views and our differences. We may not intend to stir the pot, but sometimes it happens (on both sides). Accept the difference, take opinions with a grain of salt and maintain a positive level of civility.
Thank you for your kind words and credit, I greatly appreciate your thoughts from all sides of the country. But please understand that I will not have people debating over TDIClub, TDIFest, or my level of participation in this community. Not like this. So i graciously say...Thanks, but no thanks. I will not be the divider between anyone. I understand all sides of this argument, because I'm familiar with most sides of this great forum. I will not take sides, play politics, or debate this further with anyone and I hope that others will do the same.
I hope that these explanations help to clarify some points so that we can stop the debate amongst ourselves and get back to the topic at hand... where will 2011 be? Chicago possibly? Florida, NY. TX, CO... Canada! we won't know until it's announced. But in the mean time, keep drumming up that interest and maybe it'll be somewhere else fun and exciting each year! And if anyone has decided to put a proposal together, my offer still stands to answer any and all questions that you may have about the process.