"Periscope off the port bow!"
The cry of the lookout startled me from my slumber. Hastily donning my clothes, I rushed from my cabin and joined the crowd of excited seamen, who were gesturing to a point in the dark waters approximately 30 fathoms ahead. We could all distinctly see the sillouhette of the periscope, and the flashing of the torn sea as it scythed through the water. Without words, we looked at one another and asked the same question: Could this be the sign of the infamous Nautilus?
For we had been cruising for some days off the coast of France through an area where rumors of the Island of the Dateless Engineers had persisted among sailor folklore for over a century. Some old, decrepit seamen claimed to have seen the island, and even lived among its pocket-protected inhabitants. But they were generally quite mad, or raving as they plied their bottles.
But now the legends came back to my mind. It was said that Nemo, the most sexually frustrated engineer of them all, had constructed a craft capable of travelling beneath the very waves and was wandering the sea in a fruitless quest for women with low enough self-esteem to accompany him and his crew back to their sad little island. Meanwhile, he was known to take random torpedo shots at socially well-adjusted people.
No sooner did these thoughts cross my mind than the shout "TORPEDO IN THE WATER" went up from 50 throats! Desperately, the helmsman put the wheel hard over, but it was obviously too late. We braced ourselves and waited for the worst. The torpedo lanced through the water like a shark rushing to the kill, and I was actually able to see the words "Made in France" printed on the top of the deadly silver fish as it rammed into the side of the ship directly beneath my feet!
But the dreaded explosion never happened. Instead, with a dull thud the torpedo burst open and filled the air around the ship with tiny leaflets, each bearing some variation on "You Americans are SO arrogant!" Relieved, we all laughed heartily as the legendary Nautilus reared it's full bulk from the depths and Nemo himself appeared through the hatch and began shouting impotent insults at us.
Nemo lives!