I would like to put a tdi into a 94 nissan 2wd truck. It will be used to go off road although that will not be the primary mission. I plan on giving it a 3 in body lift-2 in suspension, posi rear. I will be hauling small things ie couches- car engines, and dirt bikes. Would a TDI work? Which engine model would be best, Could I use the Nissan 5 spd truck engine or would I have to swap to a VW- if so, would it be compatible with the Nissans gearing? Does anybody make a kit? I have owned 77 Ford f-350's with 427 being gas fed by duel 750 double pumpers but thats not feesable with todays gas prices. I would like to think that I could get 35 miles per gallon after the completed project as the 2wd truck doesn't weigh ass much as the VW jetta. Is that being overly optamistic? Could I wish to get a durable-low maintainence 150-200 hp? without blowing my wallet into space. Is there a company out there that specializes in swaps? What other issues may come up that I haven't addressed here? Well thanks for your sage advice haha.