I did it!!!!!!
I got out my tools and my laptop, and I did this procedure. Before I did it, the car was at 6.9 and it was idling really rough.
In fact, there have been several occasions where I was driving along and could see traffic way in front of me really start to slow up and I pushed in the clutch, put it in neutral, and the engine just died without so much as a whimper. It happened yesterday on the beltway! So today I did this procedure and wow what a difference. I took it down to 4.4 on my first try and it seems to idle so much better. It doesn't feel weak anymore. I took it for a test drive and acceleration was much better, though I still had some hesitation under firm acceleration in 4th and 5th gear. I may see if adjusting this down closer to 0 would help with that. I'm also going to be putting in a new fuel filter and doing an oil change this weekend, or maybe monday. I have to drive back down to Charleston WV on Monday so I may do this stuff before I hit the road. I'm hoping that the new fuel filter will solve this problem straight away. Adjusting the timing has already made such a big difference. I am so happy!!!!
I'm also mad at the dealership that replaced my short block when my dmf blew up, because they must not have adjusted the timing properly then.
Anyway, this is the first time I've ever done anything of this nature on a car. The only things I've ever done to cars was just simple maintenance - air, oil and fuel filters, spark plugs and wires, distributor cap and rotors, pcv valves... you know just basic tune up stuff. I've never changed oil myself either, but I just got a pella recently and have been dying to use it.
(before I'd always take my cars (not the jetta of course) to jiffy lube) All my previous Jetta service has been done by the stealerships. But not any more. I just don't trust them to do it right or use the right oil or actually change filters and not just say they did. Call me paranoid but there's far to much of that kind of fraud out there.
Anyway, Hurst, thank you very, very very much for posting this info. You've just made my day.
Your instructions were clear and the pics were great. If I ever meet you, I'll buy you a drink.