Time flies. Good news is that head gasket has been replaced successfully. I purchased class M12x1.75 x 160mm Class 12.9 SHCS from our local Fastenal and had a friendly local machinist make up some 4140 washers. 12.5mm x 23mm OD x ~49mm tall. This allows the bolt heads to just poke beyond the top surface but avoid fouling the valve cover. I ended up using Loctite nickel anti seize on the threads and under head and torqued them with the OEM sequence knowing that the extra lubricity would improve preload. After completing, I used a click type torque wrench and the bolts didn’t move at 130ft-lb so I think that they’re TTY which is what I wanted.
I am waiting on hoses for my frost heater install. Once they come in and the heater is in, the pink G12 will go in.
I installed a cheap, clear, 3/8” fuel filter on the coolant return line to catch filings and fuzzies from cleaning the head gasket surfaces. I’m very glad I did as it was quite dirty once it ran for a bit.
Changed the oil and filter after the head gasket job as well.
I mounted my spare front mud flaps but sadly don’t have rears to match.
I took some time and cleaned up the 5th injector hardware and added a resistor.
While it was all apart, I put a cleaned BHW/PD136 intake on. I had planned to weld up a flanged spud to bolt onto the manifold but there wasn’t enough room for that. I had some 2” 6061 tubing kicking around so I welded a barb onto it and had to do minimum clean up on the bore of the manifold before I could insert it and weld it into place. I’m pretty happy with it as it looks mostly factory and the factory piping fits on it as well although a little reluctantly since it’s moved ~3/4” and is at a slightly different angle. Interestingly, the threaded boss for mounting the turbo inlet pipe is still present on the BHW intake so that’s a plus.
I was able to get the necessary cam sensor from the wreckers today (B6 30V) for the 0A4 speed sensor as well as a couple spare transmission plugs so I can adapt them to the kidney loop system for filtering and bench testing.
The 0A4 needs a modern shifter (YAY!) so I collected an 02J shifter box as well as heated black leather seats from a mk4 the other day as well. I routinely miss shifts with the stock setup and I’m sure the old trans with presumably tired shift collars isn’t helping much either.
I put the OEM B4 heated seat harness, switch, and swapped the old cloth MK4 seats from the purple car in but they don’t work yet. Some troubleshooting required still.
I ordered a clearance VR6 Luk 17-036 clutch kit which is rated to 270 ft-lb to toss in while the trans is off.
Now the less good news…
1. Fried the MFA cluster during first start after the head gasket job since I didn’t have a big battery in the car. Laziness pays the price

2. CTS is dead so can’t properly time it but I think it’s pretty close. Ordered a CTS
3. Smoky starts (need to investigate glow plugs, CGPs, timing, injector balance (forgot to look at those fields the other day)
4. Heat is extremely poor despite forcing recirc/fresh air door to recirc. Some investigation required.
5. Rear suspension still very blown
6. Heated seats don’t work
7.The washer pump isn’t working. Time to troubleshoot and upgrade to the big tank that I collected.
8.Fighting with some poor connections on the orb of doom as well.
More to come. Feels good to be mobile again but a little disheartened as well. Hopefully get this list knocked off soon here.