I was pulling off the highway the other day. It's a SHORT off ramp and I don't like to slow down on the highway. I will wait until I pull off the highway to slow down. Everyone else slows down on the highway and then gets off. So, I proceeded to do my usual and a car in front of me did his usual. I came up on him quickly. But, I quickly slowed down and followed him to the light, which was green. Everyone was moving through (must go left or right). By the time the other guy got to the light, it just started to turn yellow. I probably should have stopped, but, decided against it. I followed him through the light where, as he was turning, he slowed way down. After we got through the light, he came to a stop. I figured he was going to turn left in to a business that is right there. So, I moved in to the right lane and went around. I went to the next light, where I needed to take another left. As I am waiting for the light to change to green, the guy I followed off the highway pulled up next to me. He smiled and waved and motioned for me to roll my window down. I smiled and rolled my windows down. "That's a diesel" he says. I reply, with a smile of pride and a little excitement, "Yes it is!" He says, "You're driving it like its [censored]ing NASCAR!" Which saddened me a little. I was hoping for some diesel talk. So, I reply, "No, I can turn right. NASCAR drivers only turn left." At which point I roll up my window and proceeded to drive off. He wasn't happy about that and he cuts me off and almost clipped my bumper. He sped off and I had to laugh. Here I am, getting excited thinking that someone is interested in my car and he's actually yelling at me.