Stories not about filling up but stories anyway


Veteran Member
Mar 21, 2004
Arlington, MA
By now everyone who has read through the "you know you're obsessed" thread has also read through the "stories when filling up at 'gas stations'" thread, most likely because they are obsessed. But what about stories that don't involve gas stations. What about just other good tooling around stories. Interesting meetings, odd things said, funny stuff? I thought it might be good to have a thread for this as a few things happend in the past week or so that would fit perfectly in a thread like this. You start.


Veteran Member
Mar 21, 2004
Arlington, MA
OK, I will.

1)About a week ago, I was driving a friend home around 4am. Now this is an odd time of night and normally would be far after the bars close but I happen to live in a town just outside Boston that *gasp* has no bars, so I wouldn't assume anyone would be on the road. Except someone pulls up behind me with their brights on (Oh it gets me angry) and so I kind of slow down to let them pass but the light turns red and they stop behind me. Then the slowly inch around the side and start waving to roll the window down. The two young ladies in what looked to be a purple Ford Taurus station wagon pull up to ask "Is that car for real? Where is that from?" It turns out the Bora name plate and the "Yes it's a diesel" licence plate cover got them interested. A little chit chat about diesels and such and we went our seperate ways. Smoked!

2) Yesterday, I went to get my car inspected as required by Massachusetts law (FWIW at the Hanscom AFB auto center). The second I pulled in, the mechanic was "Hey, it IS a diesel!" And we have a fun little talk. It turns out he used to own a rabbit diesel and never paid for fuel because he ran Jet A in it. Pretty cool guy, but I did feel like $29 was a little much to pay for them to check if my blinkers worked and then print out a sticker. I almost wanted to ask if he would throw it on the emissions tester.

3) I was working on the car today and had finished, so I had pulled out the hose to wash it. My apartment is right off a main road and is next to a big bike trail. A young couple and their kids are walking/biking by and they stop to look, I kind of wave, say hi and immediately the wife asks "Is that some kind of electric diesel or something?" It turns out they walk by all the time and see that my car is plugged in ALA TDIheater. They loved the look of the wagon and so we had a nice short chat (never can keep kids still) about diesels and I loved hearing that jaw drop sound when I said "um about 50mpg".


Torque Dorque
Aug 15, 2004
SOLD 2010 Touareg Tdi w/factory Tow PCKG
Wow...never knew I could meet ladies with a "Yes! It's a diesel" plate frame.

Ordering now

I wish I had some cool story about the Tdi. People just seem to go :shrug: when it comes up. They don't freak about the 45 mpg either. Weird people, I guess. Zombies here. I really will try a plate frame.

On second thought, I occasionally notice husbands & wives stopped behind me at a light gesturing quizically and pointing at the Tdi badge on my car...they MUST know it's diesel or something and they can't believe it's not smoky or slow...I usually take off at light speed to let them know what they're missing


Veteran Member
Aug 2, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI
2001 Jetta TDI
I was pulling off the highway the other day. It's a SHORT off ramp and I don't like to slow down on the highway. I will wait until I pull off the highway to slow down. Everyone else slows down on the highway and then gets off. So, I proceeded to do my usual and a car in front of me did his usual. I came up on him quickly. But, I quickly slowed down and followed him to the light, which was green. Everyone was moving through (must go left or right). By the time the other guy got to the light, it just started to turn yellow. I probably should have stopped, but, decided against it. I followed him through the light where, as he was turning, he slowed way down. After we got through the light, he came to a stop. I figured he was going to turn left in to a business that is right there. So, I moved in to the right lane and went around. I went to the next light, where I needed to take another left. As I am waiting for the light to change to green, the guy I followed off the highway pulled up next to me. He smiled and waved and motioned for me to roll my window down. I smiled and rolled my windows down. "That's a diesel" he says. I reply, with a smile of pride and a little excitement, "Yes it is!" He says, "You're driving it like its [censored]ing NASCAR!" Which saddened me a little. I was hoping for some diesel talk. So, I reply, "No, I can turn right. NASCAR drivers only turn left." At which point I roll up my window and proceeded to drive off. He wasn't happy about that and he cuts me off and almost clipped my bumper. He sped off and I had to laugh. Here I am, getting excited thinking that someone is interested in my car and he's actually yelling at me.


Torque Dorque
Aug 15, 2004
SOLD 2010 Touareg Tdi w/factory Tow PCKG
Okay, I had a pretty cool interaction with one of my coworkers where I tutor on Monday's. I sat down and was checking Tdi club, and Bill came over and asked about it--turns out he's looked into the Tdi's a bit and knew something about them; he's got a heavily modded WRX and hangs out over on forums. I told him he'd never get the kind of performance out of a Tdi that he could from a WRX, but told him of the modding potential and how cost effective it was compared to gassers. He was somewhat taken aback at how easy it is to upgrade nozzles/chip/clutch compared to WRX's.

He said he's very interested in getting one because the WRX is getting spendy as a daily driver...but wants to keep it for modding and racing and such. He was pretty impressed with the fuel economy of even heavily modded Tdi's and loves the massive torque attainable in them. All in all we had a good discussion, and one of our students was pretty enthralled from listening in on the conversation. It was pretty cool.
I told him to lurk around here and try to soak some of this coolness up..


TDIClub Enthusiast, Veteran Member
Jun 11, 2002
Nashua, NH, USA
2014 BMW 535xd ///M-Sport, 2012 BMW X5 Xdrive35d, former 3x TDI owner
Funny thing is I traded a WRX for my TDI! I've also found I'm not the only one that's traded a WRX for a TDI.

The lettering on the back of my TDI (see sig below) gets noticed everywhere I go. I put the lettering on to help spread the TDI gospel by advertising the benefits of TDI ownership. It's far easier to spot than a license plate frame. Maybe some people in the Boston area noticing TDIs are noticing them because they've seen my TDI around!

I occasionally get asked about the car wherever I go. Too many incidents to tell here. Many notice and ask out of curiosity. No negative comments have been received...ever. I'm always more than happy to talk with people whenever they ask me about my TDI. On the highway, I get a lot of smiles, a few waves, an occasional thumbs up, and mostly flabbergasted dumb looks. One person in a GMC Yukon gas guzzler even flipped me the bird once. I know the lettering can be unsettling to some.

I put the lettering on my TDI to help spread the TDI gospel. It appears to be working! I think more of us should help spread the TDI gospel whenever the opportunity presents itself.

~ n1das


Veteran Member
Apr 17, 2002
New Hampshire
TDI-less... own a RAM 1500 Diesel now
I was driving home from work the other day and I passed this SUV with Colorado plates. (I'm in Boston).

We get to the next traffic light which is red and she pulls up next to me, rolls down her window, and waves. I think to myself that she might be lost.

I rolldown my window and she asks "Did you buy that TDI here?"

I replied, "Yes, 3 years ago, but the laws have changed now".

Trying to get as much information to her in 20 seconds before the light turns green, I continue.

"You can register TDIs in Massachusetts as long as the car has 7500 miles on it, or you can buy new and register it in New Hampshire"

The light turned green, she thanked me, and we went our separate ways.


Trouble Maker
Sep 21, 2005
Farm country, Sacramento, CA region
Previously:'02 Jetta. Now: '13 Subaru XV Crosstrek!
Another milage story, but the look on her face was pricelss. Wish i could have photo'd it.

Shortly after I purchased my TDI my neighbors gave their civic to their older son and bought a "touring" vehicle - you know the type, an over glorified minivan, slightly shrunk SUV.

Well she called me over one day to show me her new pride and joy. She opened everything up, showed me the interior, the trunk, and all the gadgets that go with it. We chatted about it for a bit.

I asked her to pop the hood so i could look under it, she obliged and asked if i knew i lot about cars. Well, being new to the car scene i said i only knew a little bit, but i was curious to know what her 05 premium car guts looked like. So we made a little more small talk and she proceded to explain that when the dealer told her that her new car could get 29 MPG, that was it, she was sold!. She never thought she could get that kind of milage and was so happy that it was so efficient. At this point i'm merely smiling and nodding, trying not to burst her bubble...

Then it hits.... she asks, "how's your new car doing? does it get good milage too? Do you like it?" At which merely noddded and said... "yeah, i love it. I got 57mpg on my last tank" (just got back from a road trip to NC). :cool: Her jaw dropped! she went silent (a normally nosy busy body neighbor who's into everyone business) to which i responded, "your new car is really nice. Enjoy it." Close the hood and went back to my driveway to continue washing "Zippy." :rolleyes::)


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2005
Edmonton, Alberta
Tornado Red 2005 Golf GLS TDI
We stopped about 150km short of home on the leg back from the first roadtrip I took with my golf. We'd driven down to Lethbridge, AB for a murder mystery party for the weekend. We stopped in at an A&W for a bit of a snack and a little breather before we did the final run. My girlfriend (who has heard nothing but TDi banter since I started looking for a TDi) and I had headed down there with one of our friends, and brought a 4th back with us. After we were done eating, our two passengers asked me what they owed me for fuel.

I had a decent idea in my head, but I pretended to a bit of mental math on the spot. Softly said "Well I filled up this morning before we left, so it'll work out around $50 to $60 for the trip... roughly." So one of them figures I mean one way, and assumes her share will be about $30. So I shake my head and inform them I mean it'll be about $60 for the entire 1100 some kilometers.

"So diesels get pretty good mileage then?"
GF: "Dave's diesel gets pretty good mileage, because its a small car, and a standard."
Me: "And it's not even broken in yet. And this is paying a ridiculous $1/L, normally diesel is cheaper."

I hadn't said much about my car during the trip about the economy, just that I love my car. I think they knew they were seeing the tip of the iceberg.


Veteran Member
Sep 19, 2002
Green Bay, WI USA
2003 wagon
Just about a week ago I was waiting in a drive through and got to the window and the 18 or so year old young woman looks at me funny, then asks "Is that a diesel?" I said ya, she said "Sounds nice". I smile and say thanks and drive off. If only I was 18 years younger and single...


Veteran Member
Sep 19, 2002
Green Bay, WI USA
2003 wagon
My second funny encounter was at Thanksgiving with my extended family. My uncle and cousin (his daughter) each have Prius's. Everyone went out to the driveway to check them out and drove them around the block. Both of then proudly stated it was the highest mileage car you can buy on the market. After about 30 minutes of this someone finally got to mileage. My uncle has a lifetime of 39 (ohhs and ahhs from the group) and my cousin proudly said she is at 42 (even more ohhs and ahhs). Then they asked me what I get for mileage knowing it was a diesel. I smiled and said my lifetime I was at 53 with the last tank was 58, nothing, you could hear a pin drop. I just smiled and had to chase one of my kids back in the house.


Oil Wanker
Sep 5, 2004
2003 Jetta - Alaska Green (sold) / 2015 GTI 2.0T
Often times when I tell folks at work the mileage I get, they don't believe me. Then I grab the spreadsheet with 2 years worth of data.


Torque Dorque
Aug 15, 2004
SOLD 2010 Touareg Tdi w/factory Tow PCKG
Brock_from_WI said:
Just about a week ago I was waiting in a drive through and got to the window and the 18 or so year old young woman looks at me funny, then asks "Is that a diesel?" I said ya, she said "Sounds nice". I smile and say thanks and drive off. If only I was 18 years younger and single...

**giggle** Come on Brock, don't you mean 38 years younger **chortle, snicker**


TDIClub Enthusiast, Veteran Member
Jun 11, 2002
Nashua, NH, USA
2014 BMW 535xd ///M-Sport, 2012 BMW X5 Xdrive35d, former 3x TDI owner
Forgot to mention tank range!

Zippy_car said:
Then it hits.... she asks, "how's your new car doing? does it get good milage too? Do you like it?" At which merely noddded and said... "yeah, i love it. I got 57mpg on my last tank" (just got back from a road trip to NC). :cool: Her jaw dropped! she went silent (a normally nosy busy body neighbor who's into everyone business) to which i responded, "your new car is really nice. Enjoy it." Close the hood and went back to my driveway to continue washing "Zippy." :rolleyes::)

You forgot to mention that you only have to fill it up every 700 miles! That would have really blown her away! :cool:

I've found that when people ask me about my TDI and what I get for mileage, they'll readily acknowledge my getting 45-50 MPG but it doesn't hit home anywhere near as much as the range on one tank does. Many STILL ask me, even with all the lettering on the back of my Golf. The look on people's faces is priceless the moment I mention the 700+ mile tank range. I've managed to make a lot of people's jaws drop. :cool:

Most gasser drivers are used to having to feed their rides every 300 or so miles. If they drive as much as I do, that's a full tank of gas every 2.5 days! The thought of going 700 miles or more between fillups comes as a huge shock to them.:eek:

So whenever somebody asks me about my mileage, I tell them and I ALWAYS mention that I "only" have to fill it up every 700 miles. :rolleyes: It really helps put things into perspective. :cool:

Diesel ON!
Last edited:


Veteran Member
May 14, 2005
2003 Golf
My plate says, "51MPG," (50 was already taken and 49 sounded too puny.) One hot July day with the full, phoenix sun bearing down on a traffic-jammed arterial, this BMW bike catches me at a light. The rider was wearing full-leathers and a helmet which is something you don't see often in the summer around here, heck you're lucky to see a motorcyle when the temps hit 115 deg. Anyway, he stopped, looked, and then squeezed between the car beside me. I thought he was trying to beat traffic at the light and was surprised when he wrapped his knuckles on my window.

"Yes?" I replied, rolling down my window.
"That car really get 50 MPG?
"The record's 57," I told him.
"I don't even get that, and you have air conditioning!"

With that he roared off. I've always wondered if he joined our ranks.


Veteran Member
Jul 3, 1999
New Zealand
'18 Kona EV, ex '03 Golf TDI, '82 Rabbit Diesel
When I bought a 2003 Golf TDI from Classic VW in Escondido, CA, I asked the salesman three times to ensure that their "gas jockey" put diesel in the car instead of gasoline. I had read too many horror stories on this site about new cars getting screwed up. Well, apparently this unknown person took offense at being told his job as he apparently stuffed the plastic glove down the filler neck, something I didn't discover until a year later after wondering why it took so long to fill up.


Veteran Member
May 1, 2005
Rochester, NY
No TDIs anymore :(
I was getting in my car the other day at work to head to a holiday party for the group I work with. I somehow got employee of the month for December, so I park right near the entrance.

As I'm about to pull out, a guy walks by and I notice he's staring at my car longer than most people do. I roll the window down and he comes over.

First question, "Are you selling your car?"
No, but I guess I could get decent money for it now :)

We chatted quickly, he mentioned he had a blue golf (not sure if it was a TDI or not, but there is one blue golf TDI I see around work sometimes). And then I was off. He also wanted to know if it was an 04 or 05 cause "it looks newer". Horray for sexy A4's!


TDIClub Enthusiast, ToofTek Inventor
Oct 16, 2005
Newark, OH
Bringing this thread back from the dead...

I'll just say that everyone who I tell about my car, and say "yeah, it's an 85, with about 275k miles (nobody knows for sure), and I paid $1,200 for it", they think, "are you NUTS?!?!?!?" I have to say "it's a diesel" :p

Heck, a really good friend of mine was telling her BF about that, and SHE had to do the "it's a diesel" thing! :D


Veteran Member
Dec 29, 2005
R.I.P.: '98 Jetta TDI
I love the Prius story!

I have had my '98 Jetta TDI for just twelve days and already a dozen coworkers want one and a friend with a Ford 250 Diesel wants one for driving to work to save $. My boss wants want to be able to run bio-diesel. Two siblings want one. I have been asked at stoplights (it's winter!) what it is and what kind of mileage. Everyone has positives to say and cannot believe how smooth it is. BTW - already 1400 miles added to the clock and avg. 49.5 mpg.


Well-known member
Nov 10, 2005
Colorado, USA
2006 Jetta TDI DSG, package 1, CWP
I was enjoying a nice dinner with some execs at the recent CES show in Las Vegas and was seated next to a young lady from Toronto. She mentioned that she drives a Prius and is so impressed with the efficiency. So I bit, how efficient is it? I asked. She said what do you mean? I asked what the best you do on gas mileage? Oh, she says, that's such a guy-thing. I don't keep track, but once I was down in California and drove ALL THE WAY from San Fransisco to Los Angeles without refueling!

So I asked how far is that then? She said I don't know the exact mileage but its a LONG WAY. (According to Yahoo Maps it is 380 miles.) So I say, I'm sure my wife's little Jetta diesel can go a lot further than that on a tank. She replies "Probably not, its a long way." and changes the subject.


Veteran Member
Dec 1, 2004
central NJ, USA
1997 B4 Passat TDI sedan (sold)
bhtooefr said:
Heck, I think any old gasser could do THAT...
Any old gasser, except a Subaru Justy... with the buzzy little 3-cylinder it gets ~40 MPG, but only has a 9-gallon fuel tank!


Veteran Member
Apr 21, 2005
So Florida
Ex 2005 Passat, TDI and ex 2005.5 Jetta TDI
Brock_from_WI said:
My second funny encounter was at Thanksgiving with my extended family. My uncle and cousin (his daughter) each have Prius's. Everyone went out to the driveway to check them out and drove them around the block. Both of then proudly stated it was the highest mileage car you can buy on the market. After about 30 minutes of this someone finally got to mileage. My uncle has a lifetime of 39 (ohhs and ahhs from the group) and my cousin proudly said she is at 42 (even more ohhs and ahhs). Then they asked me what I get for mileage knowing it was a diesel. I smiled and said my lifetime I was at 53 with the last tank was 58, nothing, you could hear a pin drop. I just smiled and had to chase one of my kids back in the house.
Unfortunately, the new Jetta with DSG seems to hover at "only" 40 - 44 MPG. I say only as compared top the A4's. I avg about 40 in warm weather using the air conditioner. However, with the a/c off, I seem to get about 44. Now, that is in combined driving and the car has about 13000 miles on it so it is still breaking in. I would think on the hwy, driving between 60 - 65, I might actually get about 45-46 in the right conditions. Maybe it will get better as it gets more mileage on it. But, it is still better than my previous car which averaged about 19 MPG and used mid to premium grade gas.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Ashburn, VA
Jetta, 2006, Spice Red
I had a short but strange conversation a few minutes ago, with a young lady who was driving a red Jetta, A4 body style. She was behind me entering the parking lot at my neighborhood-shopping plaza, and parked a few spaces further away from the stores than I did. I didn't get a look at the back of her car to check the badging so I wanted to ask her if she was driving a TDI. As we walked toward the stores the following conversation ensued:

Me: What flavor of Jetta is that you’re driving?

Her: Sorry?

Me: Is it a diesel or gas?

Her: It’s sort of in-between…

Me: ?????

Her: It’s a VR6, whatever that means.


Oil Wanker
Sep 5, 2004
2003 Jetta - Alaska Green (sold) / 2015 GTI 2.0T
roncace said:
I had a short but strange conversation a few minutes ago, with a young lady who was driving a red Jetta, A4 body style. She was behind me entering the parking lot at my neighborhood-shopping plaza, and parked a few spaces further away from the stores than I did. I didn't get a look at the back of her car to check the badging so I wanted to ask her if she was driving a TDI. As we walked toward the stores the following conversation ensued:

Me: What flavor of Jetta is that you’re driving?

Her: Sorry?

Me: Is it a diesel or gas?

Her: It’s sort of in-between…

Me: ?????

Her: It’s a VR6, whatever that means.
That is just tooo funny. There should be more automototive education in schools. Even just the basics so you are at least somewhat aware of what's going on.


Veteran Member
Apr 11, 2002
North Metro, Minnesota
Jetta GLS, 2002, Bright Green. Retired - 2003 Red Beetle GLS, deer got it.

That reminds me of a conversation my son-in-law, who works at an auto parts store, told me. A Guy comes in looking for a part for his 2003 Chevy. When my son-in-law asks what kind. The Guy says a Red one. What size engine. Response - a V8:rolleyes:

But back to what this thread is about.
Best experience I have had. It has to be with my license plate "My TDI".
Sitting outside an Icecream parlor one summer day. When I overheard some woman saying to themselves "My Toy. My Toy." as they walked by.
It wan't until after they went inside that I figured out they thought the plate read "MY TOI".