Not a lot accomplished despite some effort over the past few days. Naturally, the OEM coolant flange fits nice and tight. I don't expect to see any leaks. My expansion tank is slightly overfilled to account for when the bubbles burp their way out of the system when the heater set to max. The end of the day was near. So I opted to stop and resume the next day.
Wednesday, I poured four gallons of fuel into the tank. It was weird looking into the opening and seeing it BONE DRY for the first time ever. Since I removed the lift pump, I then had to use a vacuum tool to bring fuel into and through the filter.
I tried to start the car once all fuel connections were made. No luck! Even with a battery charger set to "50A/Start," all I got was the telltale clicking from the starter. My battery is so dead that it's probably trying to suck-in every free electron it can.

I buttoned-up the car and made a plan to buy a battery the following day.
I got an OEM battery yesterday and went to install it. WHOA! Rust under the current battery and all over the tray...
I took a rotary wire brush to it, cleaned it up, and applied Ospho. I had planned to repaint it today without even removing from the car. BUT, I think that's kind of ghetto. Besides, the debris collected in nearby crevices has me wondering was kind of crap is hiding under the tray and all over the grounds that I cleaned up a few years ago. Today, I will remove the battery tray and do the job right, all while hoping there's not a rusty surprise awaiting me.
Note to self: "Always remember to put the camera away!" I found my relatively new camera (gift from wife) on the windshield this morning. It thunderstormed and poured last night. The camera is probably shot. I'm letting it air out in a hot car for a few days to see if it'll still work. Otherwise...
I'd say I might get the car started today. But that's a bit wishful since I want the paint to cure on the battery tray before I reinstall it. The rain forecast is not looking good this weekend. So I can only HOPE to get it all together and start 'er up this weekend.
Baby Steps,