Veteran Member
OK, I think I will, but I will make it for just Chevy, since it seems they will be offering more than a Cruze TD. Plagiarizing is acceptable in a post, it seems, so here it goes.So who's gonna start the next SSCCTDO (TDIClub Secret Society of Chevy Cruze TD Owners) thread. Or any other Non-VAG Group models for that matter.
This is an invitation to all members who are currently hiding in the shadows, too frightened by the VW fanaticism to show themselves publicly for who they really are - Chevy owners!
So I say fear not! Show your dual-brand ownership with pride! Post a picture! And stand up for what you believe in and join the TDIClub Secret Society of Chevy TD Owners.
Here is a picture of mine. I know, maybe not the best day to take a picture, I will post more when the weather is better.