well, we've got our processor in the process of getting put together and hopefully will be on our first few trials this fall. we've got a mentor that has been putting it in his trucks for many years with good results. time will tell....
I live in MN. I don't ever intend to run B100 on a regular basis precisely because of that fear. I've considered going as high as B70 during the summer (mixed on my own per tank), but the "extra work" required isn't worth it compared to splashing some PowerService in the tank and filling at the premium pump.High-IV oils have lower melting points and make better cold-weather biodiesel, but with high-IV oils there is more risk of the biodiesel oxidising and polymerising (drying) into a tough, insoluble plastic-like solid. Biodiesel made from high-IV oils should be stored carefully and used quickly.
"Semi-drying" oils like soy and sunflower are also prone to oxidation and polymerisation, though not as quickly as the drying oils.
Well, maybe. If my experience with VW warranty and service practices was better, I'd be more inclined to wait for a new VW design of my liking. As far as VW ever embracing biodiesel, I'm not going to hold my breath for that.Can you hold off a bit longer? I'm hoping the VW plug in hybrid diesel will be here in a few years. And if they have solved the biodiesel or WVO thing for new diesels...
+1 !!!Any chance the owner can obtain and post the certificates of analysis?
You said in post #12 that you weren't going to post again in this thread.Well, maybe. If my experience with VW warranty and service practices was better, I'd be more inclined to wait for a new VW design of my liking. As far as VW ever embracing biodiesel, I'm not going to hold my breath for that.
I think that diesel is inherently a superior ICE approach, but, now that the emissions are "cleaned up", the advantages of diesel are not nearly so great. Most of my driving will be on pure electric (I have a 32 mile round trip commute). So... the backup energy source could almost be about anything for a Plug-in Hybrid.
Them's fightin' words!
Literally, as in Gulf War #1, Afganistan, Gulf War #2, etc. ...on into the future (that future shooting war with China as we struggle to control the last large reserves of petroleum on the planet (the Middle East). Let's not turn this thread into "why we use bio" because it has been conversed on deeply, over and over on this forum.
This is the last I will say on this thread.
It is clear to many that using petroleum has many unintended consequences for our environment, our economy and our security. There are those of us that bought a VW diesel solely for the purpose of finding a way to travel, without using so much oil.
For me... it means my first diesel, will be my last diesel. I'm still driving my '03 Blue Indigo Golf TDI (142,000 miles now) and I have found it to be an excellent vehicle; smooth, powerful, great mileage, and... allowed me to cut my use of petroleum by 75% that whole time compared to driving my former gas guzzler, the 36 mpg Honda Civic.
I thnk my next drive will be a Chevy Volt. I can convert my own driving energy, right at my home, and it will be the fuel for which the vehicle was designed. I've loved my Golf and really loved every mile driving on virtually zero petroleum fuel.
For those that you have been driving PDs on B100 for principle... I salute you!
It looks like trying to use a fuel for which the engine was not designed carries risks. I accepted and continue to accept those risks in my '03 ...but probably for only about a year longer.
Gee. Please accept my profound apologies for the not-completely-what-I-meant-wording in that first post. I meant that the "reasons for using B100" have thoroughly discussed and I'd post no more on that issue in this thread; not that I wouldn't answer a question about my next ride.You said in post #12 that you weren't going to post again in this thread.![]()
Indeed. I worked for GM for 17 years and bought many GM cars that whole time. The dealer experience ranged from OK to pretty-darn-awful. I would say my VW dealer experience is OK at best. They broke my vacuum hose for my power brakes during servicing and wanted to charge me $120 for a 4" piece of hose because VW doesn't OEM just that piece of hose (had to buy an entire unit).Please keep posting. I understand your concern about VW dealers, but I wonder if a GM dealer would be any better, especially with a brand new design?
Ditto.The chevy volt, and their sedans, would benifit greatly from the CDTI engines they have in europe.
What color would you choose?Ditto.
Then I'd buy one.
honestly i just wish the volt looked more like the vauxhall ampera, that car in white or black is SCHMEXY!!What color would you choose?![]()
Any chance the owner can obtain and post the certificates of analysis?Drivbiwire said:This was ASTM spec B100 that was heated to remove the Methanol and water. The fuel was double filtered to 2 microns, then pumped thru DUAL water seperators...per the owner.
Mooo...toadz1 said:RC, Any time you want to pull the cover off your IP this month and take pictures of the insides of your Quantity Adjusters, on both B4vs, we'll wait and see how the pictures come out. Until then, you're all Hat, and no Cattle.
Sold which one?http://forums.tdiclub.com/showpost.php?p=2933273&postcount=1
Yep, worth less. Soon to have more value only as scrap parts. Of course you could always have an accident and find out what the insurance company pays out for a 14 to 15 year old wagon. Looks like Lug_Nut sold his while the getting was still good.
The push for offshore wind here could partner with an electric car to move us towards a more sustainable personal transportation system.I wanna know where you think the 'lectric comes from for your huggie/touchie "my car eats rainbows and poops butterflies" plug in chevy volt. I'm guessing that it's a coal fired power plant.
I'll let Lugnut's pic speak for mine.RC, Any time you want to pull the cover off your IP this month and take pictures of the insides of your Quantity Adjusters, on both B4vs, we'll wait and see how the pictures come out. Until then, you're all Hat, and no Cattle.
...with anything other than b5-b10.One more reason to never touch a PD motor.
They limit it to B7...How is Europe making Rapeseed bio work?