Along with fixing most of the junk in that last post, I also stuffed a resonator in the fender to get some amount of quiet, doubted it would do much, but it is night and day.
and wrapped
Okay, so latest changes, brake booster died, it sucked in oil at some point and the diaphragm tore, so I cut up the booster's shell and made
a smaller adapter and pushrod to just stick the master on the firewall.
ROM error code set by the computer after doing that seems to have been fixed by going back a generation on the tune files to before I tried
removing the N75 and ASV solenoid codes, must have not checksummed or something. Funny that it waited a few months to sprout up.
Put the dogbone mount back together, put an m12x1.75 stud in the longer of the two, left the shorter bolt alone for now. Made a new 3/16"
steel double-shear plate for the stud. Had broken the previous 1/4" aluminum one. Stripped out one of the dogbone M8 bolts finally. Was
real tired so just jammed a long fully threaded m8 bolt in there and cut the head off to make a stud, jammed into the undamaged portion of
the threads. Seems to be holding up for now.
Finally got the fuel flashed back in down low, and brought the top end timing back up a little, from 13deg before up to 15deg now. Was
retarded to try and help with the old leaking headgasket. As a side effect, the 16cm HX40 is very lazy now. Only makes 16ish PSI bouncing
off the limiter in 3rd where before it was making 20-25. Pyro used to fly to the right toward 1800F at great speed, now it lazily meanders its
way over toward 1200F. Could pull the timing back out, but that seems a halfass way to do it. Thinking on a quick spool valve. Might make
a plate to block off the non-wastegated volute to make it an 8cm. Might go with something like an HX35, or one of its newer descendants.
Undecided. I'll have to visit my friends at the automotive core supply store to see what looks good in their scrap barrels.
Put water in both air/water ICs, but plumbed it very badly, so I'll have to redo that. Teed the reservoir into the pump outlet rather than the
inlet, and the interstage IC is higher than the reservoir, so it needs to fill with water every time the pump starts.
and wrapped
Okay, so latest changes, brake booster died, it sucked in oil at some point and the diaphragm tore, so I cut up the booster's shell and made
a smaller adapter and pushrod to just stick the master on the firewall.
ROM error code set by the computer after doing that seems to have been fixed by going back a generation on the tune files to before I tried
removing the N75 and ASV solenoid codes, must have not checksummed or something. Funny that it waited a few months to sprout up.
Put the dogbone mount back together, put an m12x1.75 stud in the longer of the two, left the shorter bolt alone for now. Made a new 3/16"
steel double-shear plate for the stud. Had broken the previous 1/4" aluminum one. Stripped out one of the dogbone M8 bolts finally. Was
real tired so just jammed a long fully threaded m8 bolt in there and cut the head off to make a stud, jammed into the undamaged portion of
the threads. Seems to be holding up for now.
Finally got the fuel flashed back in down low, and brought the top end timing back up a little, from 13deg before up to 15deg now. Was
retarded to try and help with the old leaking headgasket. As a side effect, the 16cm HX40 is very lazy now. Only makes 16ish PSI bouncing
off the limiter in 3rd where before it was making 20-25. Pyro used to fly to the right toward 1800F at great speed, now it lazily meanders its
way over toward 1200F. Could pull the timing back out, but that seems a halfass way to do it. Thinking on a quick spool valve. Might make
a plate to block off the non-wastegated volute to make it an 8cm. Might go with something like an HX35, or one of its newer descendants.
Undecided. I'll have to visit my friends at the automotive core supply store to see what looks good in their scrap barrels.
Put water in both air/water ICs, but plumbed it very badly, so I'll have to redo that. Teed the reservoir into the pump outlet rather than the
inlet, and the interstage IC is higher than the reservoir, so it needs to fill with water every time the pump starts.
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