Deduct points for worn fabric, broken switches, missing knobs, damaged speaker grilles, sloppy modification work and such. Deduct points for aftermarket modifications such as : radio, GPS, amps, seats or anything that isn’t out of the factory.
Interior score: (0-20)
Points off for peeled clearcoat, overspray, rust, droopy trim, dents, and the like.
Exterior score:
Under Hood
Points off for missing/loose components, fewer points off for damaged components (missing battery cover is more points deducted than a dirty cover that is present). A clean engine may, if you wish, be judged highly to offset a missing engine cover. A clean cover, over an unknown engine is not as valuable as a clean cover that is present and has been lifted to show a clean engine underneath.
Under Hood score: (0-10)
Deduct points if the powertrain has been modified with aftermarket parts such as Bilstein Shocks, H&R Springs, Bosio Nozzles, 11mm Injection Pump on a manual, Quaife LSD and such.
Mechanical score: (0-10)
Points off for carpeting tears, non-OEM speakers or changers. Use consistency to judge hatchbacks, sedans and wagons to the same standard.
Trunk score: (0-5)
Points off for obvious non-original items (seat covers, floor mats, shifter knobs, tires and wheels, lenses and lights, glass, and so forth). VWoA accessories of the correct year would not be cause for deductions.
Overall score: (0-15)
owner’s manual?, window sticker available?, period advertising? minor points off for none of these.
Documentation score: (0-5)
Points off for dirt and stains. Carpet, headliner, seat fabric, door jams, engine bay, fenders, trunk hinge areas.
Cleanliness score: (0-15)
Deduct points for worn fabric, broken switches, missing knobs, damaged speaker grilles, sloppy modification work and such. Deduct points for aftermarket modifications such as : radio, GPS, amps, seats or any non OEM add-ons. Add points for high quality fit and workmanship of OEM+ modifications. The more well done and tasteful OEM+ add-ons, the more points.
Interior score: (0-20)
Points off for peeled clearcoat, overspray, rust, droopy trim, dents, and the like. Add points for innovative OEM+ exterior additions (OEM Spoiler, OEM Wheels, GLI Trims, GTI Tail lights etc.) if they please you, or deduct points if you think the modifications detract from the whole car or if there’s aftermarket modifications to the exterior.
Exterior score: (0-20)
Under Hood
Points off for loose components, components secured with obviously different fasteners (wood screws, excessive cable straps), aftermarket items like chromed valve breather, aftermarket parts such as K/N filter or missing components. Add points for a visually appealing engine bay and the components within. Add points for OEM+ modifications like PD engine cover mounts on a ALH, 5.5L windshield washer bottle and such.
Under Hood score: (0-10)
Deduct points if the powertrain has been modified with aftermarket parts such as Bilstein Shocks, H&R Springs, Bosio Nozzles, Non-OEM Injection Pump, Quaife LSD and such. Add points for OEM+ modifications to the drivetrain such as GLI suspension, 1.8T Brakes, TT Bushings, OEM 11mm injection pump, OEM bigger turbo (VNT-17 from a PD150), 1.8T pancake pipe etc.
Mechanical score: (0-10)
Points off for carpeting tears, sloppy wiring, poor accessibility, subwoofer, amps any non-OEM equipment. Add points for careful and thoughtful arrangement of any added OEM+ modifications such as cargo divider, Gorilla-Gear mat etc. Use consistency to judge hatchbacks, sedans and wagons to the same standard.
Trunk score: (0-5)
Do the modifications make sense and fit within a theme? BMW parts on a VW or Audi car are not considered alternative OEM modifications. OEM+ modifications should be within the manufactured brand. Consider points based on your opinion of the entire car and its content.
Overall score: (0-15)
Is there a listing of modifications or other informational signage? The participant has to detail his/her OEM+ modifications. You don’t have to ask if a modification is done or not, if the participant doesn’t tell or write the OEM+ modifications, he won’t get points for them.
Documentation score: (0-5)
Points off for dirt and stains. Carpet, headliner, seat fabric, door jams, engine bay, fenders, trunk hinge areas can be examined if viewable. If not viewable, deduct points as if the areas were filthy.
Cleanliness score: (0-15)
Deduct points for worn fabric, broken switches, missing knobs, damaged speaker grilles, sloppy modification work and such. Add points for high quality fit and workmanship of modifications.
Interior score: (0-20)
Points off for peeled clearcoat, overspray, rust, droopy trim, dents, and the like. Add points for innovative exterior additions, if they please you, or deduct points if you think the modifications detract from the whole car.
Exterior score: (0-20)
Under Hood
Points off for loose components, components secured with obviously different fasteners (wood screws, excessive cable straps) “sore thumb” items like chromed valve breather when everything else is matte black, missing components. Add points for a visually appealing engine bay and the components within.
Under Hood score: (0-10)
Add points for a well balanced modified powertrain. (More HP/Torque needs more traction (LSD/Suspension/Tires) and need more brakes (Upgraded brakes).
Mechanical score: (0-10)
Points off for carpeting tears, sloppy wiring, poor accessibility. Add points for careful and thoughtful arrangement of any added modifications. Use consistency to judge hatchbacks, sedans and wagons to the same standard.
Trunk score: (0-5)
Do the modifications make sense and fit within a theme? Gold color wire spoked wheels wouldn’t be on a drag race car and could be a deduction. Those same rims would be appropriate on a low rider and could be an addition. Consider points based on your opinion of the entire car and its content.
Overall score: (0-15)
Is there a listing of modifications or other informational signage?
Documentation score: (0-5)
Points off for dirt and stains. Carpet, headliner, seat fabric, door jams, engine bay, fenders, trunk hinge areas can be examined if viewable. If not viewable, deduct points as if the areas were filthy.
Cleanliness score: (0-15)
Add points based on the appearance and quality of the workmanship. An interior at least as good as the original is worth half the available points. Lesser condition is worth fewer points, better than original (your own opinion) is worth more points. If you can’t see it (doors closed, dark tint) you can’t judge it and it gets the lowest score in that category.
Interior score: (0-20)
Add points based on the appearance and quality of the paint and trim and glass. An exterior at least as good as the original is worth half the available points. Lesser condition is worth fewer points, better than original (your own opinion) is worth more points.
Exterior score: (0-20)
Under Hood
Add points for a visually appealing engine bay and the components within. Fewer points are added for unsecured components, for components secured with obviously different fasteners, for excessive cable straps, for “sore thumb” items like a single chromed valve breather when everything else is matte black, missing components. If you can’t see it, you can’t score it at anything but the lowest.
Under Hood score: (0-10)
Add points for a well balanced modified powertrain. (More HP/Torque needs more traction (LSD/Suspension/Tires) and need more brakes (Upgraded brakes). Add points for the quality of the swap (if applicable).
Mechanical score: (0-10)
Points off for carpeting tears, sloppy wiring, poor accessibility for spare tire access. Consider how this Radical entry will be used. Does it still hope to be a family car? It needs luggage storage. Is it an audio advertisement? Luggage capacity is a lesser priority. Add points for careful and thoughtful arrangement of any added modifications. Use consistency to judge hatchbacks, sedans and wagons to the same standard.
Trunk score: (0-5)
Do the modifications make sense and fit within a theme? Does the car have a wild paint job and a plain interior? Racing bucket seats and a five point harness yet on cheap tires and steel rims? What is the apparent theme and how well does the whole package fit that? Base on score on your opinion of the entire car and its content.
Overall score: (0-15)
Is there a pictorial history or ‘before and after’ of the work in progress? Is there a list of the modifications?
Documentation score: (0-5)
Add points based on the cleanliness of the car. Wax swirls in the paint? Armor-All overspray on the glass? Carpet, headliner, seat fabric, door jams, engine bay, fenders, trunk hinge areas can be examined if viewable. If not viewable, fewer points for overal cleanliness can be added. Judge the hidden areas as if they were filthy.
Cleanliness score: (0-15)