Shine \'n\' Show Judging Criteria ;- ))
Do tires/wheels have to be the proper size, matching, perfect tread, etc.?
Are we seeking 100% originality? Will points be deducted for deviation from originality and correctness?
Do we need to be concerned with the undercarriage, wheel wells, stuff like that?
I’d like to enter the Daily Driver/Modified class but in all fairness need to know if upgrading with OE parts is going to result in points deduction….that kind of stuff can be the deal killer. In addition, what is the formula for mileage penalties and bonuses?
Tires should be a matched set of four. I personally don't care if they are custom built Avons or off the rack Generals. They will need to "look" correct. That is, unless the vehicle on which they are mounted is obviously autocross dedicated, I wouldn't add points for smaller diameter, slick treaded tires. Side wall scuffs from incorrect offset will likewise not be a way of gaining points if I am one of the judges.
Stock, Modified and Unlimited won't exist as categories this year. The cars are being grouped by body. Stock appearing cars only need to be free of damage, rust, fabric stains and tears, spotlessly clean, including ALL nooks and crevices, to do well. Modified cars have to be modified in such a way that the modification looks as if VW designed the change. Any changed components will have to be adequately integrated, installed, secured and should "appear" to belong. Modifications, if done poorly in the opinion of the judge, will result in a point deduction, rather than a point increase.
The odometer points "reward" those that maintain a good looking car and use it regularly. A new car is easy to make look nice. The same is true for a car used infrequently. The odometer points will help those that drive much more and have to deal with the inevitable gravel rash and other debris impacts remain on par with the lower mileage but similar vintage entries.
The plan is to have several judges, each with a specific area of all cars to inspect. The judge of the A3 engine bays will also be judging the A4, B4, B5.5 engine bays to maintain consistency. Another judge will inspect the interiors of all cars, and so forth. The total of points will determine the ranking within the body style classes.
There will also be an overall winner from all classes as chosen by the spectators. The overall winner may or may not necessarily be the class winner as chosen by the appointed judges. The overall winner, if also a class winner, will be awarded only the higher rank award of the people's choice. Those in that overall winner's class that were selected as winners by the judges will each move up one position.