Replace entire Emissions Control Module (DOC/DPF/SCR)


New member
Nov 11, 2024
Orlando, FL
2.0 (CRUA) TDI
I have a 2015 Audi A3 (CRUA) with about 73,500 miles on it. Last year, I had the DEF injector and the line back to the tank replaced under warranty. Since then, I've noticed some DTCs (P20EE00 SCR NOX Catalyst Below Threshold Bank 1 and P042000 Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold). There are no lights on in the instrument cluster or messages in the MMI, but I see the codes with my scanner.

This vehicle is well-maintained most recent services this year included, Oil/Filter, Brake Fluid exchange, DSG Gear Oil and Filter, New Battery, New Fuel Filter, New Brakes, and new tires (planning to keep this TDI a long time). So, under the Dieselgate settlement, I called Audi of South Orlando and told my service advisor, "Hey, I want to change the Emissions Control Module" (check out the TSB on this here TSB 23 18 49 2051684/2), which includes:
• Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC)
• Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)
• Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)

The service adviser said the new ECM wouldn't be covered if the lights were off. I said No. I am entitled to a new DPF and all the related parts of the Emissions Control Module parts listed in the TSB (there are quite a few) because the vehicle has over 70,000 miles on it, and I'm asking for it. He said he needs to get with his warranty manager to confirm. That was last week, all I've heard on this end is crickets. Has anyone ever collected? Take a look and tell me what you think...
TSB 23 18 49 2051684/2)


Top Post Dawg
Jul 24, 2010
Kitchener, ON
RIP-2010 Jetta 6spd 2014 Touareg Execline '14 A6 Technik S-line
What we think is irrelevant. Call AoA and plead your case. If they agree that this applies to you, they tell the dealership to git-er-done.


New member
Nov 11, 2024
Orlando, FL
2.0 (CRUA) TDI
Shawanda at AoA couldn't tell me anything. Only to check with the dealership. AoA doesn't provide technical support or make opinions on this extended warranty. I'm definitely going to follow up with the dealer, though. I've got plenty of time. My warranty is good until mid-2026. I just mostly wanted to share the TSB and ask if anyone else got them to do it.

Technical Service Bulletin says as the condition:

• Warranty Key USJ is present in ELSA, 23Y9 closed in ELSA with only Step 2A performed according to Service
History, the vehicle has accumulated more than 70,000 miles, and the customer requests replacement of the
Emissions Control Module (DOC/DPF/SCR)


• Vehicle has applicable coverage under an emissions warranty and has any DTC that would require
replacement of the Emissions Control Module (DOC/DPF/SCR). Warranty Key USJ is not applicable to this


New member
Nov 11, 2024
Orlando, FL
2.0 (CRUA) TDI
Might need to get a legal opinion. I thought someone posted the link to the Class Action attorneys a while back


Top Post Dawg
Jul 24, 2010
Kitchener, ON
RIP-2010 Jetta 6spd 2014 Touareg Execline '14 A6 Technik S-line
Shawanda is an idiot.
AoA dictates the warranties involved.... not the dealership.
The dealer will do anything that AoA approves and they get paid for. They don't care if your car is good, broken, or who pays for things being done... they only care that they get paid for it. If someone is willing to pay, they will do whatever.


New member
Nov 11, 2024
Orlando, FL
2.0 (CRUA) TDI
You're right. According to the "settlement claims administrator," the settlement period is over, but the warranty coverage is still there. They directed me back to the AoA folks. This was my second time speaking with them. Actually, this time, they were helpful. They initiated the claim, took some "intake" information, and then scheduled an appointment with the local dealer for an evaluation. I'll update you after Thanksgiving when I bring it in. Who knows???