Release date of new Jetta SportWagen TDI?


Mar 28, 2007
New Haven, Connecticut
none, yet ;)
euromade said:
Mini vans have be positioned, from the marketing stand point, for the soccer moms. Do you think any of those moms would be able to manage the manual tranny, her cell phone, and a few kids in the back? I guess VW did a little research and probably did not find enought market share to sell a striped down version.
[FONT=&quot]I'm still not sold on this...
I think their mindset is that all Americans are rich into this wonderful economy of ours and we don't even think about mini vans, we go straight to the toureg's (wayy overpriced/rated)...ya, all vw/audi products are nicely engineered and such but 40-50 grand is not fundamental for any SUV (even with huge diesel/v8 packages, and quattro). 40-50k better get me my commercial truck that turns over some kind of revenue each year....
What an ignorant decision to keep the van away from Americans.


Veteran Member
Jun 6, 2004
2004 B5.5V, 1996 B4V
The B4 Passat had about 3 inches MORE rear seat legroom than the B5. I never could figure out what VW was thinking. That we all of a sudden only carried small kids back there? We ENJOYED taking another couple with us in our B4 TDI wagon. Not so the B5.


Veteran Member
Oct 4, 2005
Elizabethtown, PA
2004 Jetta Wagon 5-Spd
BanzaiRider said:
The big difference in volume behind the rear seats is probably coming mostly from the sloping cealing. In the current wagon one can load mountain bikes upright with the rear seats down, might not work anymore with this new configuration! :( The total volume is nice though! It seems to be available already from the German VW site so maybe some nice German will post measurements or pictures soon! :D
What kind of wagon can you put mountain bikes upright in the cargo area? I have an 04 wagon and I have to take the front wheel off and slide it in sideways to fit another bike in mine if I have three bikers, because I only have two mounts on top?
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Top Post Dawg
Jul 20, 1997
B4 Passat Sedan
DrSmile said:
There is no Mk5 wagon, at least not yet.
That answers that. Some of the missing cargo room in the upcoming wagon went into rear legroom. Actual human beings over four feet tall will be able to sit in the back seat. That is more important to some buyers than a little less cargo room.


Active member
Apr 7, 2007
None yet
dieselsRus said:
What kind of wagon can you put mountain bikes upright in the cargo area? I have an 04 wagon and I have to take the front wheel off and slide it in sideways to fit another bike in mine if I have three bikers, because I only have to mounts on top?
Well, currently I have a Honda CRV, but it worked also in my Golf 2000. Yes, I have to take the front wheel off and lower the seat post but that's it. My two mountain bikes fit upright. Obviously I have a bit more room for other stuff in the CRV but I remember that it worked also with the Golf. I don't see why it doesn't work with your 04 wagon, isn't it as high as a Golf?

Bob S.

Top Post Dawg
Aug 17, 2006
Central MD.
A B4V, some ALHs & BRMs
DD, Nice link. Thanks for the info. The Sport Wagon is what we will be getting. I, for one, am glad that they will be bringing it into the US. I hope the 140hp/236ft/lbs numbers hold. Nice offerings.


Top Post Dawg
Aug 3, 2003
West Des Moines (formerly St Paul)
2003 Golf GLS 5-spd, indigo blue; 2003 Jetta TDI wagon, silver; 2003 Jetta TDI wagon, indigo blue; 2003 Golf GL 5-spd, red (retired); 2003 Jetta TDI wagon, Candy White (sold)
DickSilver said:
The B4 Passat had about 3 inches MORE rear seat legroom than the B5. I never could figure out what VW was thinking. That we all of a sudden only carried small kids back there? We ENJOYED taking another couple with us in our B4 TDI wagon. Not so the B5.
I saw a Quantum wagon the other day -- was that a B3 Variant? It looked even longer than a B4 Passat wagon.


Veteran Member
Feb 15, 2007
North Dakota
'06 Jetta
DickSilver said:
The B4 Passat had about 3 inches MORE rear seat legroom than the B5. I never could figure out what VW was thinking. That we all of a sudden only carried small kids back there? We ENJOYED taking another couple with us in our B4 TDI wagon. Not so the B5.
Back, when they went from the B2 to the B3 platform, they proudly told everyone who wanted to hear it (or didn't) how they managed to create all this extra space by turning the engine transversely. and by moving the wheels to the outermost corners of the car by revamping the rear suspension. Those B3s where one ugly duckling and the 'fly by wire' gear-box had its share of troubles, but those things could haul.

Big suprise when they went back to the 'old' layout with the long nose overhang of the B2 and the audi type drivetrain layout. Looks like the legroom they gained in 88 somehow evaporated with that switch.


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2007
Jetta, 2015 Sportwagen
I would love to have this wagon with a v6 TDI of 2.5 to 3.0 liters. Not going to happen is it though? I have an old Jetta TDI ('86) that's fun to drive, but the reason I would like a v6 is that I have had both an L4 Camry and a v6 Camry; and the v6 was just a much better car. The v6 was a year newer but otherwise the same. The v6 was much more drivable yet had almost the same gas mileage.


Veteran Member
Jun 27, 2006
Appleton, WI
none yet (2008 soon)
2.0TDI will be just as drivable as the V6 japanese gassers. The reason the V6 gassers are more drivable is because they have more low end torque. The 2.0TDI will have plenty more low end torque than japanese V6s. A V6TDI would be overkill in a car this small.


Veteran Member
Jan 19, 2005
Vicksburg, MS
2005 Jetta GLS Wagon 5-speed Tiptronic
Now if they'd just offer this with 4-motion, I might consider trading my 05 TDI wagon in.


Veteran Member
Mar 1, 2005
00 NB blue
save yourself the trouble and get a passat wagon tdi - it ll be so much nicer and cheaper then that beast there


Top Post Dawg
Oct 29, 2004
Hamilton, Ontario
Jetta Sportwagen, 2009, Graphite
Smokerr said:
If you look back in time, one of the nicest looking cars of all time was the Volvo P1800ES (wagon).
I am in 100% agreement with you there! A very sporty car indeed! IN fact, I would still buy one now and maybe swap a diesel engine into it! Paint a "saint" emblem on the front bonnet...


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2004
West Boylston, MA
1999 Jetta Silver
need diesel minivan, not reduce what we bring...

TDIFred said:
and Mercedes and Jaguar and....wagons, face it. the paradigm shift is on. a car need not be nerdy to be useful. this new Jetta wagon (vagon) might be all the space you need. maybe we ought to be down-sizing our expectations and learn to leave a few (not-needed) things at home?
Let me see, should I leave the 2 year old or the 6 month old home.. Some people just don't get that there are people who need SUVs/VANs for the space... 4 kids here. I have the TDI jetta and have the most efficient minivan (honda oddysey with cylinder shut down). My van has more space then the wagon or the highlander hybrid. In Japan 10 years ago when I was there they had Turbo Diesel 4wd/awd minivans from mitsubishi...


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2004
West Boylston, MA
1999 Jetta Silver
mpg graph

jimnms said:
Umm, the writer should have done a little more research, the Jetta Wagon isn't anything new.

The way they've sloped the back, it looks like it will have less cargo room than my '05 Wagon.

My father's wagon gets 54-64 mpg on the highway..

here is my sedan which is supposed to be lower..

My van, odyssey with ECO mode.


Veteran Member
Mar 14, 2005
Fairfield CT
2012 Passat TDI SE (DSG)
Nice looking car, I just wonder about the ride height as I'm 6' and would consider the Tiguan TDI just for ease of ingress/egress (as well as economy). It looks like it sits up a bit higher (someone mentioned the gap in the wheelwells) so it's a possibility.


Top Post Dawg
Apr 27, 2003
Piedmont of N.C. & the plains of Colorado
1997 Passat TDI White,99.5 Blue Jetta TDI
dieselyeti said:
Nice looking car, I just wonder about the ride height as I'm 6' and would consider the Tiguan TDI just for ease of ingress/egress (as well as economy). It looks like it sits up a bit higher (someone mentioned the gap in the wheelwells) so it's a possibility.
I'm 6'1" and have no trouble in or out of an A4 car with sunroof ( lower roofline in side ) . If you want to be a little higher off the gorund you can install a little taller tire 70 or 75 series .

Chris B

Veteran Member
Oct 23, 2001
N. central Illinois
2002 Jetta Wagon 5 spd
TDIFred said:
and Mercedes and Jaguar and....wagons, face it. the paradigm shift is on. a car need not be nerdy to be useful. this new Jetta wagon (vagon) might be all the space you need. maybe we ought to be down-sizing our expectations and learn to leave a few (not-needed) things at home?
I recently brought home a 500 lb. Keystoker stove for our house from Michigan in the back of my '02 wagon. Took the rear seat lower cushions out to get the flat floor (and front leg room), and slid the beast into the car using forks on a small front loader tractor. Placed a sheet of hardboard, shiny side up in the car and a piece, shiny side down, under the stove. Slid right in like butter!

To get it out, reverse process with the help of a neighbor, and tip/lower to the ground on a small dolly.

She was riding a little low, but handled it perfectly. I never cease to amaze myself on the things I have fit in the back of that car. I LOVE my wagon.



Veteran Member
Jul 13, 1999
Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
2003 Jetta Wagon
Chris B said:
I never cease to amaze myself on the things I have fit in the back of that car. I LOVE my wagon.
+1! I once stuffed a sofa into the back of my Wagon. I had to bungee the hatch and it was a fairly loud trip home, but it worked. Amazed the guys at the loading dock, who were having a good laugh until I left. :) I've also gotten a Nordic Track and thin sheets of 4x4 material (plywood, Masonite, etc.) in there with the seats down (not at the same time, of course), and a month's worth of groceries for three in there with the seats up and the cargo cover on. What that thing will swallow will surprise you.


New member
Apr 14, 2007
Jetta TDI 1999
I think it is so ugly! I loved how my parents 1996 passat station wagon looked! I think I will still buy it, though! My 1999 is getting older, but I love it!


New member
Apr 14, 2007
Jetta TDI 1999
My sister had a golf TDI during college and she filled it with the craziest stuff, she was renovating and used it like a truck!
Steve-o said:
+1! I once stuffed a sofa into the back of my Wagon. I had to bungee the hatch and it was a fairly loud trip home, but it worked. Amazed the guys at the loading dock, who were having a good laugh until I left. :) I've also gotten a Nordic Track and thin sheets of 4x4 material (plywood, Masonite, etc.) in there with the seats down (not at the same time, of course), and a month's worth of groceries for three in there with the seats up and the cargo cover on. What that thing will swallow will surprise you.


Top Post Dawg
Oct 29, 2004
Hamilton, Ontario
Jetta Sportwagen, 2009, Graphite
tdi_greendale said:
Let me see, should I leave the 2 year old or the 6 month old home.. Some people just don't get that there are people who need SUVs/VANs for the space... 4 kids here. I have the TDI jetta and have the most efficient minivan (honda oddysey with cylinder shut down). My van has more space then the wagon or the highlander hybrid. In Japan 10 years ago when I was there they had Turbo Diesel 4wd/awd minivans from mitsubishi...
okay, you have me there. Volkswagen needs to be more sensitive to our collective needs! And bring out a Touran TDI as well. Leave no child behind.


Veteran Member
Dec 18, 2004
Richfield WI
characterzero said:
ugly. give me an A4 audi TDI please. rented one in Germany and loved it!
I second the motion to import the Audi A4 Quattro Variant with the TDI. Makes the VW Jetta Variant look like a poor red headed stepchild.

Other than having a TDI and a 6 speed manual, I don't see anything to get excited about with the Jetta Sportwagon. Am I the only one that thinks the front end on the new Jetta is much uglier than the Audi A4 front end, or the old Jetta front end?

Throw a bra on it.


Top Post Dawg
Aug 3, 2003
West Des Moines (formerly St Paul)
2003 Golf GLS 5-spd, indigo blue; 2003 Jetta TDI wagon, silver; 2003 Jetta TDI wagon, indigo blue; 2003 Golf GL 5-spd, red (retired); 2003 Jetta TDI wagon, Candy White (sold)
Here's another one that would look pretty good in North America: the Skoda Scout

It also has the sloped rather than squared-off hatch.


Veteran Member
Jan 17, 2003
Mesquite, Texas
14 TDI Jetta & 09 TDI Sportwagen
Jetta Sprot Wagon

There are other things to think about other than looks.

One big question is: If I travel all over the US will I be able to find a dealer?


Top Post Dawg
Aug 3, 2003
West Des Moines (formerly St Paul)
2003 Golf GLS 5-spd, indigo blue; 2003 Jetta TDI wagon, silver; 2003 Jetta TDI wagon, indigo blue; 2003 Golf GL 5-spd, red (retired); 2003 Jetta TDI wagon, Candy White (sold)
jimlockey said:
There are other things to think about other than looks.

One big question is: If I travel all over the US will I be able to find a dealer?
They could stick a VW badge on it. Under the hood it's very similar.

Or they could continue to call it a Skoda. Some think the styling is a little stodgy, like Volvos used to be. Others might describe it as restrained or tasteful.

Volkswagen makes dozens of models that might appeal to North American motorists. And if that's not enough, there are Skodas and SEATs.


Veteran Member
Dec 18, 2004
Richfield WI
jimlockey said:
There are other things to think about other than looks.

Yes, there are many considerations, including looks. Thank god for choices and the used car market.