Yeah I don’t do that often lol, I was testing things out that time
Same here usually, depending on the speed limit.
Well today I was on the Crosstown expressway in the far left lane cruise control on 80mph . I was moving along at a pretty good clip. Watching the side traffic and one car behind me at a pretty good distance . A car in front of me quite aways up the road. The car behind me didnt look like it was moving up on me.
Well I guess I wasnt moving fast enough although Im passing traffic . This guy behind me speeds up and he whups out to the right and hes gonna cut me off between the car in his lane and me in the fast lane. However theres a car in front of me thats doing about 70mph. So I let off the throttle , he cuts me off in a cars length I nail him with the airhorn. He has to hit the brakes so hard the back of his car comes up and his rear wheels are skidding across the pavement so he doesnt hit the car in front of me!
Then he instantly whips across three lanes of traffic at 70mph and exits right, barely making the exit
Im flabbergasted ? What just happened ? This isnt road rage , theses are just idiots!
I need more horsepower. Or a horse and buggy