Recommendations between .205 and .216 injector nozzles?

Jul 27, 2023
2003 VW Jetta
I'm trying to decide which injector nozzles to upgrade to. I recently replaced my mk4 jetta alh turbo to a stage 1, I'm planning to straight pipe it soon, and then will eventually get a custom tune on it by a local shop. I've been reading that some nozzles might smoke more than others or that I might need to upgrade my clutch when I upgrade the nozzles. Any recommendations on nozzles that wont smoke much and won't tank the mpgs much? Thanks


Top Post Dawg
Feb 11, 2005
Island near Vancouver
2002 Golf 6MT; 2015 Sportwagen 6MT; 2016 A3 e-tron 6DSG
Buy as big as you can. Throw in an 11mm IP, too.
The more fuel that can be injected, the shorter the injection window can be set, maximizing both potential power and economy.

(Implied in the first couple sentences is "consult @burpod for your tune, too - he's got this stuff figured out way better than the "big" names you've probably heard of before.)


Top Post Dawg
Jun 18, 2015
Greenville, MI the winter water wonderland
More than I need, less than I want
Choose your tuner first. Let your tuner make the decision what hardware based on what you expect out of the modifications. If the tuner is indeed custom dialing your software, they will have strong opinions on what hardware they want to work with. If they don't care, that might not be a good sign as far as your choice of tuners.


Top Post Dawg
Feb 11, 2005
Island near Vancouver
2002 Golf 6MT; 2015 Sportwagen 6MT; 2016 A3 e-tron 6DSG
If they don't care, that might not be a good sign as far as your choice of tuners.
To this point, if you can buy a Stage 3 "INSTAntly available TUNE", regardless of whether your car is running .216 nozzles and 10mm IP or .232 injectors and 11mm can rest assured that neither of those setups will get an optimally-optimized tune.


teh stallionz!!1
Nov 27, 2004
cape cod, ma
82 rabbit vnt ahu, 98 jetta vnt ahu, 05 parts car, 88 scirocco.. :/
To this point, if you can buy a Stage 3 "INSTAntly available TUNE", regardless of whether your car is running .216 nozzles and 10mm IP or .232 injectors and 11mm can rest assured that neither of those setups will get an optimally-optimized tune.
get the same tune regardless lol. only diff is where you fudge IQ to be :rolleyes:
Jul 27, 2023
2003 VW Jetta
I meant to mention, I just had an 11mm injection pump installed in it recently. Fair point to ask the tuner for their recommendation


Veteran Member
Feb 20, 2006
Long Beach, CA
2002 Jetta
I'm trying to decide which injector nozzles to upgrade to. I recently replaced my mk4 jetta alh turbo to a stage 1, I'm planning to straight pipe it soon, and then will eventually get a custom tune on it by a local shop. I've been reading that some nozzles might smoke more than others or that I might need to upgrade my clutch when I upgrade the nozzles. Any recommendations on nozzles that wont smoke much and won't tank the mpgs much?
The stock clutches in these cars do not hold up well to power add-ons. Not that they explode but they start to slip pretty quickly. So look to change out your clutch regardless of your choice of power add-ons.

Which nozzles smoke? Any thing bigger than stock on an untuned car will smoke, but since you are getting the car tuned anyway you don't have to worry about this. The general consensus is that any nozzle .330 or smaller will work fine so long as you pair it with the appropriate turbo and other supporting mods. Why is .330 the number? Because bigger than that and we begin to see atomization issues.

In general when tuning these engines more=more (rather than less=more). These are not high HP engines so mild mods become very boring rather quickly.

MPG... That depends on the tune and the squishy bit located between the steering wheel and the seat. More power means more fuel, so "using" this new found power will cost you in fuel. However, if you drive sanely then you wont notice a significant change in fuel consumption.


Top Post Dawg
Jan 5, 2014
AnnArbor, MI
Mk.4's and the Cummins
I have 764's and an 11mm. It does quite well for FE. Stock VNT15 for now. A VNT17 with a billet, extended tip wheel is on the shelf. VR6 clutch and SMF flywheel. It is not a radical tune... :) It was written by Burpod, and I am pretty darned happy with it. A set of .260 injectors are on the shelf for when my wife's 2D gets a clutch... :)



Airhead Butcher
Nov 17, 2001
2002 Jetta TDI
and I'll chime in as well... I put the SBC stage 3 daily with a single mass in my car and not only is the pedal feel improved over stock but the clamping force is enough to handle abusive driving... the only hints I've seen to slippage is in cold (32F or less) weather.

as others have stated... you WILL need to do this, and I personally recommend you do it first to avoid frustration


Veteran Member
Jul 26, 2021
03 golf ALH
.260 with 11mm and lift pump, lil' s7 turbo and the recently changed g60/vr6 slips a little when romping on it in 5th, should have gone with a stronger clutch to begin with.. thinking about sbc stage3 endurance but maybe something by ACT, edit: might go with Kentucky clutch, someday
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Veteran Member
Jan 18, 2001
Cheyenne, WY
2001 Jetta
.216s with a gtd1752vrk, 11mm pump, malone stage 5. I went with a dual mass flywheel but ai forget the clutch. Good to hold up to 325 ft lbs so I was told. I previously had a smf but it rattled when the clutch was pushed in and wasn’t very smooth. The dmf makes the engine quieter and smoother.
I don’t thrash her at all. I don’t do WOT. I try to keep her under 20 lbs of boost but she’ll go to 28 and maintain. Don’t have a warm fuzzy when I do so I avoid that.
She’ll pass from 70 to 110 without shifting out of 6th very very quickly and with no drama. The ALH is simply a great engjne.
I believe Burpod when he says .260s are optimal but I am happy with what I got. Average 43/47.
No clutch slippage at all.
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