Studies vary, but between 2018 and 2022, the average annual income of U.S. EV buyers was around $150,000 a year. (The median household income in the U.S. for 2022 for $74,000). Most EV buying households had 2 cars while shopping for an EV. When polled, what would the EV buyer have purchased if not an EV with a rebate? A hybrid, a fuel-efficient vehicle, or the same EV at full price.
Rebates are certainly good for EV sales (and fans), but we are largely subsidizing buyers in higher income brackets to purchase a vehicle that (a) They would have purchased anyway, or (b) Would have purchased a fuel efficient vehicle. This second part is important for those making an environmental (rather than market) argument about rebates, as the total waste emissions are not greatly changed. Additionally, many EV owners with short commutes (perfect EV scenario) or who are buying an EV as a second or third car, are not driving enough miles to offset the energy and emissions used in production of the car. Their total contribution to environmental damage would have been lower had they not been enticed by a rebate to buy an additional car (or if they drove it enough to offset the environmental cost of production).
An older UC-Davis study found that buyers who have incomes in the top 20% of all taxpayers are claiming 90% percent of federal EV tax credits. As Robert Teglia remarks in a NYT article, "The incentives are, in effect, subsidizing my luxury." Income caps on rebates prevents some of the highest earners from using public funds to offset the cost of their EV, but even after Jan 1, we have to ask if using taxpayer funds to help the wealthy buy an EV is ethical, especially when it's not even environmentally effective.
OPINION: EV subsidies are poorly designed and mostly benefit the rich. Some simple changes could make them more effective and equitable.