It is quite humorous how people tend to react that way. There was a news person who frequently would ask people questions based on placing an assumed position in their head, and they reacted exactly the way that was expected. Political polarization. A way for weak minded individuals to be corralled and manipulated. Daemon64 is right, most of us are far more complex and variable than that, but it is sadly quite alarming how many can be swayed and celebrity status can sway far more weak minded folks. That's why I laugh so much at the whole Elon Musk thing, because you just know the kool-aid drunk zealots that fawned over him for so long are having their heads explode now, LMAO!!!! Most recently he was the butt of a joke that asked "Who is a better representative for 'racial social justice' in today's world, an African born person or a German born person?" Of course, you know the "politically correct" answer... until they showed the African born person (Musk) and the German born person (LeVar Burton). Burton was not technically a German citizen, but the question didn't explicitly state this... point is, people made a decision based off of misinformation, and that behavior continues today.