I've driven a bunch of Teslas, know a number of people who own them, including a co-worker here at IDParts.
Since you think you have to own a car to have an opinion about it, I'll share his: Overall he likes the car, feels it's a big step ahead of the ID.4 he owned prior to the Model 3. Charging infrastructure is key to his happy ownership and use: it was a major weakness of the ID.4. And Tesla has a big advantage over VW in efficiency, although he recently told me that Rivian now has superior motor tech to Tesla.
He has (not surprisingly) owned a number of TDIs, and feels by comparison the Model 3 feels heavy (because it is), road noise is higher than it should be, and the ride is not as compliant as it could be. Steering is completely without feel. He wouldn't, nor have I heard anyone else describe the Model 3 as a driver's car. He feels his M-B E320 CDI, or my BMW 335d are superior to the Model 3 in that respect. Acceleration isn't everything.
And of course he has to overlook the spotty fit and finish. Durability is an unknown sine he's not had it very long, but he's not concerned about it. People seem to have good experiences there, overall.
Don't get me wrong: both he and I think the Model 3 is a very good car, and probably the best EV value in the market right now. But in the pantheon of automobiles, it's not the best ever.
There's no doubt that VW TDIs have their flaws. I've been driving my B4 Passat a fair amount lately and I can't help but think most people would find that car totally unsatisfactory. It's old, slow, and loud. But I enjoy it, warts and all.