BRAVO! This is awesome, and rediculous. Good driving, good judgement, and I'm sure a there was a little bit of good luck in there somewhere too. This makes me want a winch.
My Golf has been through a number of adventures. The car was actually my Grandfather's car before he passed away. His aeorta started to tear apart, a condition that brings virtually certain death within days or at most a couple months. He lived in this condition for well over a year. (driving the Golf the whole time) He had some recovery, and he somehow found a doctor who would sign off to let him drive. We could not get him to stop driving, despite the fact he was completely unsafe, despite the fact both of his sons were physicians and we all pleaded, he would not listen. He was over 90 years old.
I once was following the car as my Grandfather realized that he was on the wrong side of an upcoming center divider. Instead of slowing or stopping and backing up a few feet, he continued along at 35-40mph and swerved over the beginning of the divider. He was so shaken up after the leap the car took, he lost control (probably lost the wheel) and the car violently bumped off the the curb on the other side of the road. By this point, I was sure that we would be stopping to check the car for damage, or perhaps to check on his dog in the back of the car. Nope. 200ft ahead was the ramp to the interstate. Evidently, grandpa didn't worry too much over the event, set the cruise at 52, and drove 3 hours. (I got to follow behind to "make sure he got home ok". Going that speed on the interstate is really really scary.) Apparently, the MK4 golf, with a stock suspension, can take a certain number of 7" curbs at about a 10-15 degree approach angle and 35mph.
Another time, grandpa awoke, startled by the car shaking violently. He had fallen asleep with the cruise control on, and driven off the highway. I assume the speed limit was 55, so we can be fairly certain that his cruise control was set at 44-46. I wish I knew exactly what it looked like where he went off the road. I'd like to see what he got away with going at least 45 off the road in a stock MKIV.
The craziest thing I've done with my Golf was to drive on the 35 degree slope parallel to the trail because the slope was somewhat smooth while the trail turned into big sharp rocks and nothing else. I REALLY wish now that I had a picture of that. Golf was loaded with 4 people, back too full to see out of, roof rack 20 lbs over weight, stock suspension. The rocks were not gigantic, however, as in your recent adventure.
My only regret, is somewhere I may have littered by leaving my plastic underbelly. I don't know how I wouldn't have heard it. Another possibility is that my grandpa could have lost it in one of his many incidents.