Veteran Member
Just bought a new Golf TDI. Wondering where to purchase good quality diesel in or near Buffalo NY? I want to stick with one fuel source for the majority of my fill-ups. Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks
Definitely Delta Sonic. It's locally extracted and refined Pennsylvania Crude, same as Quick Fill, but formulated as a premium with an additive package. In winter they don't mix with Kerosene. I notice a quantifiable difference in mileage sustained over many tanks. The Delta Sonic website gives more details. Wear scar is still 520, so you might want to use Standyne or Power Service. D&W Diesel on Broadway in Depew has it cheap.I'm looking for diesel with the higher Cetane level. Finding lots of 40 to 42 or no number listed at all. I want to start this car off with proper quality fuel from day one as suggested by many people on this forum.