Punishment Explination

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Veteran Member
Jan 9, 2011
the blinding one
Well since I cannot seem to get answers when PMing moderators directly, I figured this my get some of my questions answered. Im not looking to start another problem, just get explanation, because I would like to edit my post.

I used these forums for a long time doing hours of research and reading about every nut and bolt on the TDI powertrain.Now As a proud owner of a TDI and an avid automotive enthusiast and have come to love the choice in car I have bought. That was until I was so abruptly rudely welcomed with my first few threads. I cant speak for everyone when I say that the golden rule on every internet forum goes without saying, goes without even putting in the "official rules" because it should be common sense to all. That being "if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything." I for one am all for a constructive conversation, but I will not stand for disrespect and one liners from people just looking to stir up drama.

Now to cut this episode of "as the world turns" short, I simply would like explanation as to why I have been punished, and why clear violations of the "official rules" went without a word from moderators?

Im sure there is some special group on here, where members can say and do as they please, and if thats the case, ok lesson learned. However if this is a place where everyone is treated equally and respectfully then I dont think its to hard to respond to a PM and explain why I was punished, for deleting my thread, rather then being disrespected.

Here is the thread for reference:

Here is the rules and what I thought were violations of forums house rules:

From the TDI official forum rules:

[3]No flaming of other members to incite or perpetuate a conflict or argument.

[4]No bombing forums or threads with pointless posts.

Originally Posted by TwoTone
LOL lots of bs to justify a hack job

Originally Posted by aywkubttod
haha... "world's first"

Originally Posted by VarmintSlayer
Its always nice to be blinded on dark roads. But you will be safe, right. Thanks.

Originally Posted by TwoTone
We all know he's blinding people, look at the pictures. The cut off is a mess, but hey he did his homework and knows what he's doing.

Originally Posted by aywkubttod
The edited original post is a grammar hack job

Originally Posted by aenea
When you didn't heap spartan-boy with praise for the l33t hid conversion that was glaring up his garage door.
There, I think *I* get the disrespectful award.

Thank you for reading, feel free to PM me if it is appropriate.


Top Post Dawg
Sep 3, 2005
Ohio USA
NB TDI, 2002.5, Silver
I was recently given a time out. I can't figure it out. Maybe someone typed the wrong name or ???? In any case, I will continue and try to abide by the rules.

Having been put on a list is certainly not a big deal unless you really got caught and don't like the rules. Fred and all the others who might assist deserve the benefit of doubt and maybe an error or two from time to time.

Personally I greatly appreciate having this resource.


Veteran Member
Nov 3, 2010
Denver, CO
02 Golf TDI
This is pathetic. ~Jb did a hackish mod and blatantly refused to provide whatever research he said he used to complete the work, so he's throwing a tantrum. I look forward to being banned for poking the baby bear.


Veteran Member
Jan 9, 2011
the blinding one
This is pathetic. ~Jb did a hackish mod and blatantly refused to provide whatever research he said he used to complete the work, so he's throwing a tantrum. I look forward to being banned for poking the baby bear.
No whats pathetic, is you continuing to post in threads that you obviously have no reason to, other then to flex your trolling abilities. You brought nothing to the table in my last thread and assumed "hack job", and what a surprise here you are again. Well thank you for your opinion, move on.



TDIClub Enthusiast, Veteran Member
Jul 3, 2009
2010 Jetta DSG/ up keep on 2009 Jetta DSG 2006 Jetta Pag 2 in North SEA Green
No whats pathetic, is you continuing to post in threads that you obviously have no reason to, other then to flex your trolling abilities. You brought nothing to the table in my last thread and assumed "hack job", and what a surprise here you are again. Well thank you for your opinion, move on.

This statment speaks for it self.Chill out and move on


Administrator, Member #10
Staff member
Sep 25, 1997
2015 Passat, titanium beige, 6MT
Your access to edit your posts has been blocked. Why? We do this for people who post before they think. It's our way of saying think before you post because you can't take it back your words will be there a long time.

When you show some maturity and accept some responsibility for your actions, we will restore your ability to edit your posts. Your antics (including this thread) tell us we made the correct decision concerning your account.

Good luck.
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Administrator, Member #10
Staff member
Sep 25, 1997
2015 Passat, titanium beige, 6MT
Joe_Meehan said:
I was recently given a time out. I can't figure it out.
When one is given a time out, there is always a reason given. What was the reason?



Feb 8, 2006
Cambridge, MN
2002 Jetta GLS
When you show some maturity and accept some responsibility for your actions, we will restore your ability to edit your posts. Your antics (including this thread) tell us we made the correct decision concerning your account.
Given the timing of ~jb's posts to this thread , would you say getting his revenge on other members exibits a level of maturity that you're after? :rolleyes:

I don't know what the punishment was but if you are referring to having your thread locked well that is just one of the side effects of deleting the first post- live with the consequences of your actions. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who reported your thread and suggested it be closed. :cool:


Certified Volkswagen Nut & Vendor
Dec 11, 2001
outside St Louis, MO
There are just too many to list....
This must be a record, a new member gunning so hard for a swift smack with the banstick. Wow. :rolleyes: Only been here a month!


Certified Volkswagen Nut & Vendor
Dec 11, 2001
outside St Louis, MO
There are just too many to list....
Haha, thank you so much. Yes, I actually did take some creative writing in the past. I am one of those strange breeds: straight-A student that wanted to work on cars for a living. Silly me, eh? :D


Jan 6, 2011
Barrie, Ontario
2011 VW Jetta TDI
My .02....

Despite what peoples individual opinions are of the op's mods, was there anything wrong with his post? I have read the entire thread and the only thing I see is a bunch of jerks bashing him for trying something out with his own car. He never told others to go and do this mod, and IF there is in fact something illegal with the way he modded his own car it is up to the authorities to inform him of his infraction. The op made a few points about forum rules, and these apply to everyone. SO, Administrator, what if anything will be done regarding the quoted obvious violations of the op's thread? If you wanted to penalize the op for something you consider him wrong for, fine, but please also address ALL of the people who are responsible for their own comments to the thread.

Will I be banned now?


Veteran Member
Jan 9, 2011
the blinding one
Your access to edit your posts has been blocked. Why? We do this for people who post before they think. It's our way of saying think before you post because you can't take it back your words will be there a long time.

When you show some maturity and accept some responsibility for your actions, we will restore your ability to edit your posts. Your antics (including this thread) tell us we made the correct decision concerning your account.

Good luck.
What a joke, the more time I spend on here the more I realize I am talking to a wall. Witty post, bland explanations, and people with views of the forum software on power trips. There has still been no acknowledgment to the rules others broke, just more me and what I did wrong. I went through my HID thread and found nothing but rude members contributing nothing, picking my install apart before I could even explain myself, "guilty until proven innocent". This is fine though, you guys can keep my privilege to edit post, you can even ban me, honestly I am done walking on eggshells so that the curmudgeonly individuals of this TDI club can flex their E-power.

This forum is a gold mine of information about everything TDI, but at what cost? To potential members thinking of joining this site, if you are under the age of thirty or have any plans of thinking outside of the box, beware, most of the people posting in this thread will find you, crap on your thread, and disrespect you without explanation. Then you will be punished, probably banned for attempting to defend or explain yourself.

Im sorry that I have made ripples in your TDI water. Im sure most of this will deleted or edited anyway, but if the consensus is that I bring nothing to the club other then problems, speak up, and you wont have to ban me, I will simply leave.



Master of the Obvious
Oct 14, 2007
Fail Command (Central Ohio)
1998 Jetta tdi
My .02....

Despite what peoples individual opinions are of the op's mods, was there anything wrong with his post? I have read the entire thread and the only thing I see is a bunch of jerks bashing him for trying something out with his own car. He never told others to go and do this mod, and IF there is in fact something illegal with the way he modded his own car it is up to the authorities to inform him of his infraction. The op made a few points about forum rules, and these apply to everyone. SO, Administrator, what if anything will be done regarding the quoted obvious violations of the op's thread? If you wanted to penalize the op for something you consider him wrong for, fine, but please also address ALL of the people who are responsible for their own comments to the thread.

Will I be banned now?

Yes, the everyone was speeding and they just picked on me defense :rolleyes:. You must of missed the part of the thread wherein he encouraged others to get loud with him and then withdrew his pictures and said he was done (i.e. his temper tantrum). Thus, he was placed on the no-edit list (to curb his temper tantrums). Seemed appropriate response to his actions. Btw, that is not punishment, that is requiring him to reflect on his postings first.

As far as his decision to jam HID lighting into a reflector lense to blind oncoming traffic (heck, it's only about him right :rolleyes:), he wasn't punished for that ...........

Btw, welcome to the tdiclub and remember, the cost of joining is the same as the cost to leave .................


Jan 6, 2011
Barrie, Ontario
2011 VW Jetta TDI
Has anyone physically seen his lights head on? I would LOVE to pull up to one of you people in my Jeep and give you a sunburn.... then we could hear a valid complaint.

"Btw, welcome to the tdiclub and remember, the cost of joining is the same as the cost to leave ................."

^ After you buddy.


Phd of TDIClub Enthusiast, Moderator at Large
May 1, 1999
A prolific poster, but I have also long questioned the conditions under which Veteran Member status is earned. Quantity rather than quality. :(


Top Post Dawg
Sep 3, 2005
Ohio USA
NB TDI, 2002.5, Silver
When one is given a time out, there is always a reason given. What was the reason?

If I am guessing right, it was in a message to me and it appears I can no longer find it. That's OK with me. I really doubt if it will be repeated.

I can only say it was not intended and it is not likely to be repeated. I appreciate you efforts.


Phd of TDIClub Enthusiast, Moderator at Large
May 1, 1999
You're a champ in my books, Joe, have always been. I wish the OP and numerous others would have such a good attitude as you do. In my days in school, Citizenship Awards were given out. You earn one from me.

"Better to be thought a fool than opening one's mouth and removing all doubt."
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Veteran Member
Oct 13, 2004
Uh... hmm... Well, none...
IMO, nothing about ~jb's initial post was inflammatory - it was other TDI Club members that turned it sour and put him on the defensive. In that regard, I can't disagree with a seeming imbalance in the application of the rules.

As to subsequent posts, well, yeah... some people just need to learn when to walk away.

My $0.02.


Wanderluster, Traveler, TDIClub Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2000
La Conner, WA
2018 Tesla Model 3: 217,000 miles
I've been here for ten and a half years. I have seen a lot of people come and go in that time. We have all seen our fair share of Divide and Conquer techniques used when some individuals choose to play the victim card.

Regarding the headlights... I'm all for experimentation, as long as it comes with proper documentation and a genuine interest in doing things correctly. In my opinion, you shot yourself in the foot when you deleted your posts and refused to provide documentation and answers to the questions being asked. We're all here to learn... if you're going to withhold information after creating a thread, then you remove all credibility.

If HIDs do work well in the 2011 headlights, GREAT! Back up your findings with proper documentation and quality images so that other may learn how to do it right. If not, then don't bother posting another "hey, look at me" thread. Also, save your temper tantrums for somewhere else. Constructive criticism (which is mostly what you received) is a good thing. As for the people who you feel were picking on you -- two wrongs don't make a right. :rolleyes:


Wanderluster, Traveler, TDIClub Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2000
La Conner, WA
2018 Tesla Model 3: 217,000 miles
With all of that said, some folks need to bite their tongues a bit when it comes to replying to others. As I said, constructive criticism is a positive thing. We don't need to be rude or disrespectful when requesting more information from others.


Veteran Member
Jan 9, 2011
the blinding one
To be clear I am not playing the victim card or throwing a temper tantrum.

Like I said from the beginning, I had all intentions into making the thread as informative as I possibly could. I finished my install in the early hours of the morning (04:54 AM), and took some quick shots and made that thread before I went to bed. My next post was not until 02:12 PM that day, and already members were posting negatively. After I tired explaining myself and stating that I would have better pictures and more in depth write up, the entire thread had already gone south. I saw no reason to share my hard work with a bunch of people bashing me without cause. So I deleted my post and my pictures.

No one wants to contribute or post about modifications to their car to be bashed. I mean if someone does something that is not exactly another members cup of tea, then dont post. If some one does wanna post with a constructive view point thats one thing, if after all the information is provided those same members wanna come into a thread and crap all over then thats another thing as well, but per the rule posting to incite an argument is just childish, and that is exactly what happened in my thread.

Like its been said, nothing about how presented my information deserved the negative response I received. I tried to be adult about it, but when the rules were not enforced on those certain people who blatantly bashed and trolled in my thread, I saw no reason to help those or except the punishment handed down to me.



Administrator, Member #10
Staff member
Sep 25, 1997
2015 Passat, titanium beige, 6MT
To be clear I am not playing the victim card or throwing a temper tantrum.

You most definitely ARE painting yourself as a victim. You simply have not gone full-monty SPV yet. Deleting your posts because you didn't like the responses you received is a juvenile act. The whole point of this thread is to avoiding taking any responsibility for your actions.

As already stated, this is not about punishment or rules infractions, it is about your ATTITUDE. To the mature members here your attitude screams immaturity. When you get it, you will get your editing access back.

Good luck (in the Scurvy context).

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