ProfBrown's 2015 GSW TDI Build


Veteran Member
May 21, 2013
Southern California
2015 GSW SEL (totaled), 2013 Touareg Executive
LEDs can appear brighter dead-on, but they have a smaller arc (or at least used to). That means someone sitting in an SUV, off-angle from your lights might not see them as well as incandescents.

Here's an article discussing LED lighting and makes reference to NHTSA data finding vehicles with LED taillights involved in more accidents without citation.
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Veteran Member
Dec 5, 2005
Northeastern CT
2015 TDI GSW SEL and 2006 Golf TDI GLS
Isn't the date on the article around 2013? I would think that LED's have come a bit further in development in the 6 years since.


Veteran Member
Jan 16, 2019
So Cal
Changed the fuel filter, cabin air filter, and engine air filter. The engine air filter was not terrible, the cabin air filter on the other hand I doubt the dealer did when I got the car from them as it was dirty. Due to living down a dirt road I will be doing these three filters every 20k miles. Fuel filter spec, but the engine air filter and cabin air filter more often due to the extra bit of dust I get. I went with the activated charcoal cabin air filter. Also sitting at the dealer right now getting an oil change. I will be doing the DSG service when I get back from a road trip.


Veteran Member
Jan 16, 2019
So Cal
If you are going to be changing the cabin filter that often you might consider ordering the VW recommended tool to prevent debris from getting into the evaporator housing and clogging the drain. Part # T10532.

I got mine here:

Thank you for that. I will have to look into that. I am changing it by choice, i hardly ever follow others down the dirt. One of the perks of my schedule lol.

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Veteran Member
May 21, 2013
Southern California
2015 GSW SEL (totaled), 2013 Touareg Executive
You might want to search the boards for cleaning the intake completely before swapping out the air filter. Changing it too frequently risks fine dirt inside the intake, which will do more damage than leaving the filter in longer (which results in better filtration, tbh).


Veteran Member
Jan 16, 2019
So Cal
You might want to search the boards for cleaning the intake completely before swapping out the air filter. Changing it too frequently risks fine dirt inside the intake, which will do more damage than leaving the filter in longer (which results in better filtration, tbh).

I will have to look into this as well.

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Top Post Dawg
Feb 11, 2005
Island near Vancouver
2002 Golf 6MT; 2015 Sportwagen 6MT; 2016 A3 e-tron 6DSG
That snap-on "tool" for shielding the cabin filter fan is pretty much just a sheet of tin, isn't it? Like the sheeting that one might find in furnace ductwork?

(Translation: If you do end up buying one, share the dimensions, please, so I can build my own. :D )


Veteran Member
Jan 16, 2019
So Cal
It would appear that my sunroof/moonroof is beginning to leak a tad... It would appear that it had in the past from some staining, but I had never felt it be moist when it had rained. Well I felt some moisture on it today when I was finishing up at the gym and it had been raining for a while. I am also in need of a DSG service, so I am going to have the dealer do the DSG service and then while they are working on it take a look at the sunroof/moonroof. It is obviously leaking due to staining. Hopefully they take care of it and replace the headliner while they are at it since it is clearly stained from leakage.

As a side note, had to run the wagon this morning in ESC sport to get out of the area I live today. With the rain the roads turned to mush as the clay came to the surface and became saturated. Wont be going home tonight it seems... Man I need a jeep for bad weather days lol.


Top Post Dawg
Feb 16, 2000
Santa Barbara, CA
2015 GSW SE 6MT 2001 Golf GLS 5MT 1996 Passat Wagon
It would appear that my sunroof/moonroof is beginning to leak a tad... It would appear that it had in the past from some staining, but I had never felt it be moist when it had rained. Well I felt some moisture on it today when I was finishing up at the gym and it had been raining for a while. I am also in need of a DSG service, so I am going to have the dealer do the DSG service and then while they are working on it take a look at the sunroof/moonroof. It is obviously leaking due to staining. Hopefully they take care of it and replace the headliner while they are at it since it is clearly stained from leakage.
Be careful with dealer sunroof repair. The tradeoff for having the headliner covered under warranty could be a lengthy, multi-step repair process depending on how they approach it. The low hanging fruit first step should be removing the 4 drain tube check valves and your description of the problem suggests that this might be all that's required.

Mine had what may be the same symptoms as yours: previous water stains (during its first 2 years on the dealer's lot) with no new evidence of leakage with "normal" rainfall rates, but new leakage/stains would appear only with high rainfall rates. The problem was partially blocked drain tube ends that would adequately drain with normal rain rates but cause a back up and overflow with high rates. Permanently removing the check valves (which eliminates future dirt-caused blockage) and cleaning the existing blockage solved the problem.

You can remove the check valves yourself, but if you do and that solves the problem, the dealer won't cover the headliner. If the dealer removes them without doing anything more, you should wait to see if that solved it before allowing them to replace the headliner. They should agree to this since it saves them a possible 2nd headliner replacement. If the dealer wants to skip this step and go directly to the TSB repair of sunroof frame cracks, this may be a mistake if only the drain ends are the problem. There are two levels of frame repair; one done with the frame in place, the other with the frame removed. There have been reports of a series of repair steps that ultimately proved unsuccessful, but the symptoms you describe suggest you're likely to have a good outcome with a minimum of steps.


Veteran Member
Jan 16, 2019
So Cal
I will have to talk to them about it when I bring it in. Ultimately, I don’t plan on having the car forever. So a clean headliner is what I am after with no leaks. That would be much better for resale.

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Veteran Member
Jan 16, 2019
So Cal
And tonight I noticed that my passenger outside light bulb is beginning to fail. It is dimming and on and off working. Probably won’t replace it until a second one fails. Try to spend as little on the car as I can since I don’t plan on having it by year end next year lol. Not doing the led tailight upgrade because of this reason.

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Veteran Member
Dec 15, 2018
2015 Sportwagon S
And tonight I noticed that my passenger outside light bulb is beginning to fail. It is dimming and on and off working. Probably won’t replace it until a second one fails. Try to spend as little on the car as I can since I don’t plan on having it by year end next year lol. Not doing the led tailight upgrade because of this reason.

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You put a lot of time and money into that car, I am curious, did something recently make you decide you weren't going to keep it long or was that always the plan?


Veteran Member
Jan 16, 2019
So Cal
You put a lot of time and money into that car, I am curious, did something recently make you decide you weren't going to keep it long or was that always the plan?

I have a very ADD and lucky position and issue with switching cars constantly. I am 22 and this will be my 8th vehicle, 5 of which were drives me and road worthy. I switch cars on average every 2 years and this is a similar experience. As far as money spent, this is a far cheaper car than my truck was. Cars are a hobby to me, and when I get bored I start looking for what fits me needs/wants. Needless to say, I am getting bored. That and my original plan was to use this as an interim car until I was out of college and had a better paying job where I can get a car that is more what i want and less of what I need. Don’t get me wrong, I like the car, but it is not perfect by any means. Passing power is lacking, interior is dated in my eyes, and mpg is nice, but there are also other good commuter cars, that get similar enough mpg by my opinion that are cheaper to own/maintain. One big reason, is I don’t want to own this car outside of the CPO warranty. I will also likely be taking on more miles with this hopeful job proposition that I have coming after the first of the new year, and that would mean a dsg service likely about once a year. Don’t feel like paying the dealer that 340 a year for the service, when I could own a manual (owned a few previously) that has little to no maintenance. So, for those collective reasons, and a few others, I am looking at switching to a new body style civic si a few months-8 months after swapping jobs.

Is this the most financially responsible way to own and look at cars? Likely no, but like I said it’s a hobby, and I miss a stick shift in my life, and want something less dated.

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Veteran Member
Jan 16, 2019
So Cal
You need a Toureg TDI! I want one bad!

Lol if I was going diesel again, j would 100% go for a Canyon or Colorado 2.8 Duramax. Much more my speed than the treg. Not a fan of the overall dealer experience that I have received from the local VW dealer honestly. More bads than good, but benefit of the doubt leaves them at an “okay” in my book. Wouldn’t necessarily recommend them, but they can do the work. Thinking I’ll give the local Honda dealer a go for my next highway mileage car. Still want to get a Jeep as a side toy/project. I like to tinker, which I think is where the treg totally looses me. If we need a modern suv, my girl will get a forerunner, which I can also tinker on ;)

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Veteran Member
Dec 15, 2018
2015 Sportwagon S
I have a very ADD and lucky position and issue with switching cars constantly. I am 22 and this will be my 8th vehicle, 5 of which were drives me and road worthy. I switch cars on average every 2 years and this is a similar experience. As far as money spent, this is a far cheaper car than my truck was. Cars are a hobby to me, and when I get bored I start looking for what fits me needs/wants. Needless to say, I am getting bored. That and my original plan was to use this as an interim car until I was out of college and had a better paying job where I can get a car that is more what i want and less of what I need. Don’t get me wrong, I like the car, but it is not perfect by any means. Passing power is lacking, interior is dated in my eyes, and mpg is nice, but there are also other good commuter cars, that get similar enough mpg by my opinion that are cheaper to own/maintain. One big reason, is I don’t want to own this car outside of the CPO warranty. I will also likely be taking on more miles with this hopeful job proposition that I have coming after the first of the new year, and that would mean a dsg service likely about once a year. Don’t feel like paying the dealer that 340 a year for the service, when I could own a manual (owned a few previously) that has little to no maintenance. So, for those collective reasons, and a few others, I am looking at switching to a new body style civic si a few months-8 months after swapping jobs.

Is this the most financially responsible way to own and look at cars? Likely no, but like I said it’s a hobby, and I miss a stick shift in my life, and want something less dated.

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Well in a way I am like you except 1. I am a lot older and 2. Cars/trucks are like a hobby to me as well except I can't seem to part with them...I own 4 now and thinking about a 5th if I can find a really nice Toureg TDI Sport with low miles.


Veteran Member
Jan 16, 2019
So Cal
Well in a way I am like you except 1. I am a lot older and 2. Cars/trucks are like a hobby to me as well except I can't seem to part with them...I own 4 now and thinking about a 5th if I can find a really nice Toureg TDI Sport with low miles.

I am sure if my age was higher, and I had make income I would be along side you. But currently balancing a computer hobby, and a car hobby on a while in college job budget is the issue lmao. Hopefully this perspective job getting into the administrative side of paving will allow me to expand both a tad, of course after I adult and lay off student loans and such. Mostly it’s the “German car outside of warranty” and cost of maintenance stuff.

Back when I had my truck and my old late 90s e36 bmw, I wanted to mod the bmw far less as it was my mileage car, and instead I tinkered on the truck. I believe for me, two cars keeps me a little on the more sane side. So first that means ditching the wagon, then going to a fun to drive, but great commuter Japanese car, like a stick shift turbo civic, then get a Jeep project for when the weather sucks, or when I wanna have fun.

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Veteran Member
Jan 16, 2019
So Cal
Got my car back from the dealer. They replaced the front and rear drains for the pano roof, and cleaned the headliner under warranty. Headliner looks new aside from one spot with some slight discoloration. Ill take it honestly. Could play it off as something else, and its only visible from certain sight lines due to it being a slight discoloration. This was all done under warranty.

The service adviser said that he was trying to work something out with his boss to add this to a check up list as they have seen a few in for similar issues. At the end of the day they did right by me, just took longer than I expected. Was about a full week (7 calendar days, but 6 days of service being at the "office").

Still need to do a tail light replacement and now wiper blades as they seem to be streaking some and its about to begin the more rainy season in my area. A trip to the local autozone or O'Reillys will do, thinking tomorrow.


Top Post Dawg
Feb 11, 2005
Island near Vancouver
2002 Golf 6MT; 2015 Sportwagen 6MT; 2016 A3 e-tron 6DSG
... its about to begin the more rainy season in my area.
We in the Pacific Northwest laugh at what "more rainy season" is in SoCal. :D

Consider looking at the dealer for wiper blades; I just got mine there for $35CAD (~$26USD) for the pair (26" and 18"). Work great!


Veteran Member
Jan 16, 2019
So Cal
We in the Pacific Northwest laugh at what "more rainy season" is in SoCal. :D

Consider looking at the dealer for wiper blades; I just got mine there for $35CAD (~$26USD) for the pair (26" and 18"). Work great!

I agree, our rain vs other people’s regions rain is a very, very different sentiment. That being said, it rains none the less, better to be prepared. Usually our blades end their life from being roasted in 105+ temps every summer, not from use lol. Would be about the same price at a local parts store. Already have to go for the lights so no need for another dealer trip.

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Veteran Member
Dec 15, 2018
2015 Sportwagon S
I agree, our rain vs other people’s regions rain is a very, very different sentiment. That being said, it rains none the less, better to be prepared. Usually our blades end their life from being roasted in 105+ temps every summer, not from use lol. Would be about the same price at a local parts store. Already have to go for the lights so no need for another dealer trip.

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We get almost 12" of rain every year. I know that doesn't sound like a lot but it sure seems like a lot on the day that it falls!:D

Tuesday I'll be heading West on I-8 to El Centro then North past the Salton Sea to Palm Springs, maybe I'll see some of that rain.


Veteran Member
Jan 16, 2019
So Cal
I’m within about an hours drive of Palm Springs lol. In the mountains above, somewhere in there lol.

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Top Post Dawg
Feb 16, 2000
Santa Barbara, CA
2015 GSW SE 6MT 2001 Golf GLS 5MT 1996 Passat Wagon
...Would be about the same price at a local parts store. Already have to go for the lights so no need for another dealer trip.
Most parts store won't stock these blades; they use a special mounting that is not included with the selection of adapters on the universal sets. Direct fit Bosch, Valeo & OEM are available from IDParts. Amazon has the Bosch only.

Also, the direct fit aftermarket rear blade that Bosch lists for the GSW and that Amazon sells is about an inch shorter than OEM.
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Veteran Member
May 21, 2013
Southern California
2015 GSW SEL (totaled), 2013 Touareg Executive
Driving right by my house...

ProfBrown if you'd told me you needed new blades, I have a set of unopened Valeo's that I couldn't find the weekend before my wife took the wagon to LA. Unfortunately, I was able to find the rear one :(

Why would you be changing the DSG fluid every year? That's 40K miles...
In any case, you already have VCDS and that's the main tool you need to DIY. It's a very easy easy as the oil change and less messy now that they relocated the filter on the underside of the engine :/


Veteran Member
Jan 16, 2019
So Cal
Driving right by my house...

ProfBrown if you'd told me you needed new blades, I have a set of unopened Valeo's that I couldn't find the weekend before my wife took the wagon to LA. Unfortunately, I was able to find the rear one :(

Why would you be changing the DSG fluid every year? That's 40K miles...
In any case, you already have VCDS and that's the main tool you need to DIY. It's a very easy easy as the oil change and less messy now that they relocated the filter on the underside of the engine :/

It would be close to every year with how much I’ll be driving, if not every year. 35k minimum just for diving to and from work office let alone any trips/fun on my own time.

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Veteran Member
May 21, 2013
Southern California
2015 GSW SEL (totaled), 2013 Touareg Executive
If you're driving 40K per year, I recommend driving the wagon into the dirt.

You can do the TB and DSG yourself. You already bought the most expensive tool for either. DSG is less than $100 to service DIY.


Veteran Member
Jan 16, 2019
So Cal
If you're driving 40K per year, I recommend driving the wagon into the dirt.

You can do the TB and DSG yourself. You already bought the most expensive tool for either.

Many ideas running around in my head, and this is the cheapest one that is making more sense from a financial standpoint lol. Easiest decision to make to since it’s requires no extra effort. Likely option shy any unforeseen circumstances.

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