I have a very ADD and lucky position and issue with switching cars constantly. I am 22 and this will be my 8th vehicle, 5 of which were drives me and road worthy. I switch cars on average every 2 years and this is a similar experience. As far as money spent, this is a far cheaper car than my truck was. Cars are a hobby to me, and when I get bored I start looking for what fits me needs/wants. Needless to say, I am getting bored. That and my original plan was to use this as an interim car until I was out of college and had a better paying job where I can get a car that is more what i want and less of what I need. Don’t get me wrong, I like the car, but it is not perfect by any means. Passing power is lacking, interior is dated in my eyes, and mpg is nice, but there are also other good commuter cars, that get similar enough mpg by my opinion that are cheaper to own/maintain. One big reason, is I don’t want to own this car outside of the CPO warranty. I will also likely be taking on more miles with this hopeful job proposition that I have coming after the first of the new year, and that would mean a dsg service likely about once a year. Don’t feel like paying the dealer that 340 a year for the service, when I could own a manual (owned a few previously) that has little to no maintenance. So, for those collective reasons, and a few others, I am looking at switching to a new body style civic si a few months-8 months after swapping jobs.
Is this the most financially responsible way to own and look at cars? Likely no, but like I said it’s a hobby, and I miss a stick shift in my life, and want something less dated.
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