Yeah tires can be an interesting beast for sure. Jumped down the rabbit whole on my truck when I was doing research on what tires to get and I assume I will do the same with this car more so when the time comes.
Believe my car was in the middle of a regen this morning on the way to work. Was high idling in gear at about 1k which I had read on a thread means it is in regen. Unfortunately, the drive to work is only 25 miles and it was a bit cooler this morning and the morning commute is down hill so for about 10 of those miles the car isnt even at operating temp.
Is that the only way to know the car is in regen? I could have sworn on some cars they have a regen light come on telling you the vehicle is in regen mode, mostly diesel 2500 trucks if memory serves.
So a couple questions regarding regen. About how long does it last, what are the conditions it requires, how bad for the car is it to shut it off during regen (I have heard of some people saying if they do it a lot it will throw a code), generally how long does it take to finish a regen. I am assuming it will try and do it again on the way home which should be about 2:15 pm PST so it should be warm enough to start up rather quickly, and then it is another 25 mile trip home, hope that is long enough for it to finish.
Will be blacking out the Golf and the TDI badge this Thursday with a kind of spray on vinyl which I was told isn't sticky or tacky like plasti-dip. I will post pics. I also heard back from two of the three tint companys I reached out to. One of them quoted me $259 for all the windows (every window minus the windshield) for Lumar tint, while another quoted me $270 for "Phantom Nano Ceramic Carbon Film". I am pretty sure in the past I have had Lumar but never the latter option, from quick reading online it suggests that it does a better job at blocking the harmful UV rays, but allows more visible light in that its competitors. Anyone know if this is true/have experience with this kinds stuff to shed some light on the situation?