Purchased a 2015 GSW TDI with the DSG trans this past Thursday. Loving my new-to-me grandpa wagon!! Already put just shy of 200 miles on her as of the Saturday morning following the purchase. Needless to say I love this car and do not regret trading in my previous daily driver one bit. This is my first modern VW, my first personal diesel, and my first turbo car of any kind so this will be the build (or more or less the maintenance log with some slight mods) of the car that is now my daily! Plan is to make a sort of storm trooper looking wagon without going crazy and blowing the bank or messing with how the car already performs, as I am actually quite impressed with this car out of the box!
- Window tint (limo on all the back, 30% on the front sides, undecided if I want to do a limo strip on the front windshield)
- Black wheels of some sort. Planning on keeping this car with no body mods, so I'll stay with stock wheel and tire size (225/45/17) just go black on the wheels to play off of the white paint. Recommendations are welcome for style and brand!
- Maybe mudflaps? I live down 3 miles of dirt road and when it rains it can get muddy so we will see on this one...
- Maybe black out the badges with plasti-dip or other material to add to the contrast of the white and black?