Prime XR/Plus Ceramic film tinting


Jul 11, 2023
Clarke County Virginia
2013 A5 Deetle
I recently had it done to my 2013 black Deetle and it's no longer an EZ-Bake oven on wheels during the 100 mile round trip commute each day.

It actually lowers the temperature in the car as I'm running and if I park it with the tinted windows facing the path of the sun it's substantially cooler.

I wondered if it was bullshit but it turns out it's worth it.

I had 20% done, even though 15% is the legal here, and get away with it because of the light tan interior:

If you're in the NOVA area, the Sunstoppers in Front Royal, VA will tint your Beetle windows. I had two places decline because of the back window!


Veteran Member
Jul 9, 2019
Haltom City, Texas
'04 Jetta Wagon BEW, '06 Golf BEW, '15 Golf TDI(sold), '05 Golf TDI (wrecked)
Just had my 04 wagon done in Huper Optic Autobahn brand double layer ceramic. I think that 30% is the limit in Texas on the front glass. Rears and back are darker but not black out.
Made a huge temp difference in mine as well.