Yesterday I bought a 5 Speed 2000 Jetta ALH TDi with an EGR delete, I went to pick it up, hopped in started her up, fired right up with no issues. Drove it to the auto parts store to get a brake light bulb. Turned it off there, bought the bulb, got back in and it started no problem, then stopped at a friends house, turned it off, started up no problem, then I parked it in my heated Garage where it sat over night. Now this morning it will not start, it cranks and sputters for a half second and then just keeps cranking, the rpms still move on the cluster when it cranks, I tried disconnecting the battery and waiting incase it was immobilizer. No luck. I believe it’s getting fuel as it’s smoking. I have a basic OBD2 reader that I use on my MK6 and it won’t read the mk4 for some reason. any help is extremely appreciated.