I`m gonna have to switch that badge over to the driver`s side fellas, sorry.
You`re beginning to figure us out MineMapper. You`ve heard of those black helicopters with the tinted windows, our situation is similar only we are the good guys, in white of course. We are eco-hitmen searching out TDIs that run on the Devil`s Tea. Our mission is to secretly inject biodiesel into the fuel system so that the cars get a taste of the good stuff and then refuse to run on anything besides the clear, cleaner burning fuel.
Be forwarned that your grey B4 wagon has been infected and it is only a matter of time until it will only drink from the sacred grey tank located at our secret location. If your car wants to head East no matter where you steer it, sucome to the spell and join the "Green Team", the planet will then embrace you as a true believer and you will be blessed with supreme fuel for evermore.
96 TDI Passat Wagon, PC Cone, Upsolutely Chipped and TB`d
89 Ford F250 Diesel
Biodiesel Powered
[This message has been edited by RC (edited March 09, 2001).]