Peloquin Differential group buy???



<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Basically the Peloquin is devloped using the Quaife principle but just an improved version. I can get some exact details from Peloquin if you like but I know that the Peloquin is built out of stronger material and is a lot more bulletproof.

Retail price of the Peloquin is $1000.

We normally sell them for $795 and if you get 5 people together I can offer the Peloquin for $725

Let me know


Eric Nareshni
SPP Sales[/quote]

Anybody else interested in a group buy on these things? I've e-mailed Eric and asked for more specific information about what makes these better than the Quaife units. (Fiber reinforced Unobtainium? Bikini girl calendar? 12 oz. can of micro-robots to install it?)

The price is right, especially if it's better than a Quaife somehow.


VW Vet

Veteran Member
Sep 4, 2000
Golf GL TDI, 2001
I'm interested but would like to know more about them. Let us know what Eric has to say.

TDI Believer

Responsible For Global Warming
Sep 20, 1999
Charles Town,WV
2012 Touareg TDI
If someone can explain why the Peloquin is better (I believe its a copy), I'll buy one. Otherwise I'm still getting the Quaife. I have until 2/28 to order it.


No information back from the Peloquin dude yet, but Scirocco on the Vortex (the Quaife group-buy guy) sent me this information:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I sell the Peloquin LSD for $720 delivered, and it comes with the bolt

The Peloquin is good, but now that the Quaife came down in price, it's
less of a value.

They both have lifetime warranties, but Autotech-Quaife USA will most
likely be in business 10 years down the road.
Peloquin is a one man operation, who knows how long he will be in
business, if you know what I mean...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's a better price than the one the Peloquin dude offered me on a GROUP BUY! Plus, the bolt kit is an important thing. The Quaife doesn't come with one, so you've got to buy it separately.

You've actually got two choices of bolt kits:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>There's 2 different bolt kits, Peloquin $35, or ARP from
> > > Autotech
> > > > > $60.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The ARP bolt kit is described as "Better than AIRCRAFT quality," and is supposed to be the best possible kit. There is also a gasket and seal kit that is available separately. I don't know the price on that, exactly, but it's not very much.

I'm still waiting to hear back from the other guy about the precise details that supposedly make the Peloquin superior to the Quaife. However, the fact that Quaife is a proven product and is made by a big company that will probably be around for a long time is a strong selling point. As Scirocco pointed out above, it does little good to have a "lifetime warranty" if the manufacturer isn't in business!

Personally, I'm leaning toward the Peloquin plus the "gnarley" $69 bolt kit, plus the seal kit. $720 is a better price than we could get on a group buy from the other guy, so that avenue probably isn't worth exploring very much. Peter ( ) has a good reputation on the Vortex.

Anyway, y'all have a couple of weeks left to think about it. The deadline on Peter's Quaife group buy is Feb. 28th.



I'm looking at the same 2/28 deadline, for the same reason. Hopefully I'll get word back before then.


Jason Crabtree

Veteran Member
May 17, 1999
Ontario, Canada
I have had no experience with either but reading various threads on VWVortex on the issue, they are both identical in form and function. Both offer the same lifetime guarantee (I believe). The big difference between the 2 is that the Peloquin comes with the necessary bolt kit while the Quaife's is extra ($50ish). I also think they are a different colour as well. Don't think you could go wrong with either of them.

I would love one but not enough free cash lying around. I've read most people are happy with either of them. Dustan @ RPI said that he has sold a few Peloquin's and he was impressed by them.


diesel des

Veteran Member
Aug 19, 1999
I have a peloquin in the post. I will take pics when it arrives for you to see. The bolt kit for the quaife from quaife in the UK is over £100 $145 ! I have their catalog and thats what it says. I believe you just pay fo the name with the quaife. The peloguin is supposed to have larger dia pins.


Veteran Member
Jan 31, 2000
99.5 silver Jetta 5spd TDI
I might be interested in getting one. I'd like to find out more about the differences
between the two brands before I say for sure.

Will be keeping an eye on this thread!

Drive it like you stole it!

diesel des

Veteran Member
Aug 19, 1999
My peloquin diff arrived today. Its a cool piece of engineering! Not much to see, but from what you do see, its well put together.

It was supposed to be a 1 week post service, but USPS, messed up and it got lost for a while. I reported to the guy i bought it through that it was late by email and the next morning I had a call from gary Peloquin! He had stayed up to like 12 at night so he could call me in the morning! He said he was sorry it had not arrived and he would chased it up for me. I cant recommend Gary enough! I mean a call from the US to the UK must be quight expensive just to say he was sorry for the delay. A email would of been fine but he said he wanted to talk to me in person. Peloquin may only be a small buisness, but would I get the same service from say quaife?

Cant wait to get it in next week.

diesel des

Veteran Member
Aug 19, 1999
It just gets better! I have recieved $25 back from gary as a refund for the delivery due to USPS messing up. This is what I call service. Diff and bolt kit delivered to UK was $850. If any one is interested in getting one drop a email to Michael at . Tell him Des Auld sent you. He is the guy i bought the diff through. I cant recommend these guys enough.


Veteran Member
May 13, 1998
Jetta 1998 Green
OK this is getting insane!!! I order my Quiafe from TSR Performance in the UK (515 GBP) and Des, you order a Peloquin from the States!!! UPS is making a killing!!!!

I've seen both up close and the only major (if you can call it that) difference is that the Peloquin is bolted together where the Quaife is riveted. The diameters of the bolts/rivets were roughly equal.

My advice is in the US buy the Peloquin and in the UK get the Quaife. It's all based on price since they are both very good products.

BTW: Anybody notice that Autotech has lowered their Quaife prices since Peloquin has come into it's own? I will never buy from Autotech. They gauged VW folks for years on the Quaife. Even Tim Stiles of TSR was taken back by their high prices ($1295 just 15 months ago).


diesel des

Veteran Member
Aug 19, 1999
colucci, the price of the quaife in the uk was over £120 more than the peloquin delivered when i took into account the bolt kit. It is mad that i could of got the quaife from the states cheeper than from TSR in the uk. The peloquin was cheeper again, and as you say they are essencialy the same.


Veteran Member
Jun 2, 2000
I am interested in the Peloquin and will more than likely get more interested as this thread expands. Question to those that have had either of these installed, what was the cost for installation? About a year ago (?) I was flipping through a VW tuner mag and they had an article on installing the Quaife. Anybody have that article. It would be nice to read it again. I have rummaged through all my car mags and have not been able to find it. I am afraid that my Girlfriend used the article to line the bottom of her bird's cage. At what HP point do you guys think these differentials are needed?

2000 Jetta TDI, Dr. of Pharmacological bypasses for the confederation of Epsilon