Sloppy's 4th UOA from Oil Analyzers Inc. is available. Oil is Elf Evolution 0W-30 CRV 506.01.
18,110 miles on the oil.
42,180 miles total on the 2005.5 Passat GLS.
Iron: 118
Chromium: 8
Lead: 9
Copper: 12
Tin: 0
Aluminum: 25
Nickel: 7
Silver: 0
Silicon: 9
Boron: 42
Sodium: 0
Magnesium: 279
Calcium: 3268
Barium: 0
Phosphorus: 1204
Zinc: 1325
Molybdenum: 3
Titanium: 0
Vanadium: 0
Potassium: 0
Fuel: <1%
Viscosity @ 100°C: 11.70
Water : 0
Soot/Solids: 1.26
Coolant (glycol): no
TBN: 4.86
Oxid: n/a
Nitr: n/a
"No corrective action required. Oil is suitable for continued use. Resample at next regular interval."
As stated previously, Sloppy's running Elf Evolution 0W-30 CRV 506.01 as of 24,070 miles. Oil change has been completed after a Motul Diesel System Cleaner treatment. New Elf Evolution 0W-30 CRV 506.01 added to the motor following the Motul treatment.
What say you AndyH and SUNRG?-
Sloppy Snood