Passat Wagon TDI $9850


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2000
Marlow, NH
Found this on the site, wow great site, but this one is too far away.

<font color="red">96 Passat, Wagon, 40 mpg. Turbo Diesel. Air con, pwr windows/locks Great Cond. $9,850 OBO (480) 598-1622</font>

This ad was posted in the Arizona Republic TODAY. Don't bother emailing me, you know ALL I know, call the number.

Post here if you get it. I have hope now of finding one myself at a reasonable price.

Jeff Tickner
78 Camper
2000 Golf TDI Blk/Bge


Veteran Member
Feb 8, 2001
Bettendorf, Iowa, USA
Here's some encouragement....if you are looking for a wagon, you are going to have to travel.....why not go to AZ, it's nice this time of year! AZ cars are great used cars, no rust, usually garage kept, no rain to throw crud all over engine/undercarriage etc. If the owner tried to maintain the car at all, i.e. wash and wax occasionally, it should like almost like new.

The price seems low, which either means trouble or the owner is uninformed. Why not at least give a call to see which one it is? Even if you never see it, it is always useful to find out more about the owner's experience in a make/model you are considering. Give 'em a call!

Good luck,



Veteran Member
Feb 8, 2001
Bettendorf, Iowa, USA
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by gregs:
Thanks for the heads up VWTICK. I have PURCHASED the wagon.


That was quick!
Can you tell us about the car, Greg?


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2000
Edmond, OK, USA
Passat 96 Blue

Did you buy that one for yourself...

Nice to see you got one, was it as nice as the other one on eBay?


'96 Passat TDI w/PiperX Cone
1 GHz Athlon Thunderbird

Arizona Mike

Veteran Member
Apr 25, 2000
Phoenix Arizona
Jetta, 1997, White
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ProgMuscle:

Did you buy that one for yourself...


Bet not as he is just a low life dealer.


Active member
Jul 27, 2000
Progmuscle- The TDI avant I am purchasing looks really nice from the digital pics I have received and description. I'll update the list soon when I receive it.

Arizona Mike- I have to ask you, were you fully enformed when you made this statement about me, my business, etc..?

"Bet not as he is just a low life dealer"

I am an honest guy, yes I am a dealer and am a reputable one at that. Just ask Freds TDI members as I have often sold them high quality examples at very fair prices. I am also and enthusiast, I have been on the list for awhile and am serious from an enthusiast standpoint. My question to you Arizona Mike is- do u have any experience with myself, as a dealer #1, #2 as a person and #3 as a enthusiast and a huge fan of the TDI? I dont believe that we have crossed paths but I would appreciate you being honest about your descriptions when refering to myself as I never would do the same to you. I pride myself on being honest and upfront, please do the same in future posts, thanks.


Veteran Member
Sep 11, 2000
Charlotte, MI, USA
2003 Jetta and 2015 GSW MT
gregs-I don't think he meant it for you personally-just dealers in general (sort of down there with lawyers) LOL. MANY people on the forum have had lots of trouble w/ dealers generally-and VW dealers in particular. Also-it is quite frustrating when dealers snatch up these used TDIs as well-then mark them up to resell (maybe thats not what you are doing-but it DOES seem to be a trend)!!!! Actually that IS what you are doing isn't it???? That means that we end up having to buy the used ones at a premium IMHO. Yes-you have every right to do this-but it is pretty frustrating from our point of view. We just don't have the buying power to compete with a dealer under these circumstances-hence the frustration!!!!


Vendor , w/Business number
Aug 15, 1998
06 A5 Pkg.2 w/navi & ASEP
Hello Gregs, I also posted a response to Arizona Mike:
I like how you eloquently explained it and hope these will clear up some misconceptions of you and me at least. As far as michTDI, I think he too dosn't understand our business and thinks it's terrible that we get a license to buy at wholesale and sell at retail. If they really knew what it takes from you and me not to be a low-life dealer they would be the first in line to buy our cars. Seems to me Arizona Mike may have gotten ripped from a low life dealer in the past due to his buying inexpierence. All I can say Greg, is let's keep doing what we are doing and realize we can't please everyone. Regards, Leonard


Active member
Jul 27, 2000
MichTDI- Actually 90% of the TDI's I source are from VW Dealers at Dealer only auctions, it is rare when I am able to purchase one on the retail market, however it does happen. For example bought a 98 Jetta TDI w/ 3X,XXX miles for 12k and ended up selling it for 12k on Ebay-So I actually lost money as transportation etc.... I run no reserve auctions that to me, seem to generate some general interest from outside and inside the list. I am totally open when I purchase, no tricks or whatnot. I fully disclose who I am. Now, I also do a great bit of traveling to bring TDI's to market to feed my family that are primarily on the wholesale/dealer level. Please consider time flying in and out of Dealer only functions Audi/VW auctions as supply is much smaller than demand as you know. I am spending alot of time, money and love for what I really have a great liking for- TDI's. I am very fair with my prices and work for total satisfaction. By the way I own one as well, I dont just sell...


Veteran Member
Sep 11, 2000
Charlotte, MI, USA
2003 Jetta and 2015 GSW MT
Actually-I do understand what it is to be a "dealer" as far as buying at auction and reselling-because I have two friends that do it. You have to be a dealer to get into most of these auctions. But what IS frustrating-is dealers snatching up the cars on E-bay, or for sale by owner, or in the local newspaper, for that matter. You can already get them at the auctions (and us "nondealers" can't). But-as I said before-you have the right to-but its just frustrating sometimes for us "nondealers."

Arizona Mike

Veteran Member
Apr 25, 2000
Phoenix Arizona
Jetta, 1997, White
Greg, you tell us, Did you buy the car to keep as a personal daily driver? Or are you going to resale it with a mark-up? Once a member posts a vehicle on this forum, you should leave it for the members so they can get it at that price. I posted that statement so that you and other members can see that now there is a mark-up on this vehicle and for a response from you. I don’t have any problem with you conducting your sales on Fred’s when you acquire a vehicle outside of here. Members post information about TDI’s for sale for other members to buy at the lowest cost and this is one of the advantages of being a member, you are removing this advantage. Does it come to you now why I might be disturbed as to how you have conducted your business on this last transaction? Yes you are making a name for your self but honestly, it’s not a very pretty one after looking at all the facts now is it? It is also very obvious that michTDI understands what I am referring too.


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2000
Edmond, OK, USA
Passat 96 Blue
To all on this thread:

As to this:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Arizona Mike:
Bet not as he is just a low life dealer.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think you're on the wrong thread... You meant to post to this one '97 Passat variant on ebay didn't you? Especially as Greg was one of the actual bidders on the car mentioned in that thread.

This thread was a discussion about another car sale entirely. I knew that he had been talking about buying a TDI for his wife to drive and so I ventured a question.

It so happens that I bought my car from Greg, and I would buy another from him without fear of getting cheated. My comment was placed so that he (Greg) could read it and know that I was "keeping up with him" through this forum. Greg was never anything but a gentleman throughout the entire process and even after he had his money.

Trashing a member, who just happens to be a dealer, with whatever reasoning you want to employ, does not belong on this thread. If you want to start a new thread and post to it you can say anything you like and I will be happy to ignore it completely.

'96 Passat TDI w/PiperX Cone
1 GHz Athlon Thunderbird


Active member
Jul 27, 2000
If you start at the top of this topic and begin to read you will notice that all was fine until you decided to insult me. I am not going to go tell my mommy on you but I will tell you one thing. I have yet in my 10 years in the auto industry have been called a "scumbag dealer" from anyone that has made a purchase from me. The day that someone can validly say that about me is the day I go to the state of Florida Department of Motor Vehicles and hand in my Dealers Lic.
You could have been a nice guy like MichTDI and got your point across. You should be ashamed. I have referred 100's of members to this forum. I am glad it is not at a time when they would open a thread like this and see a veteran member acting the way you have. I am sure they would want to be a part of this. (You state you call me a scumbag dealer to get my attention). As far as the wagon it is the second car on here that I have purchased. I do not need your permission to BUY or SELL on here. I am interacting in a FORUM that clearly states FOR SALE/WANTED. I thanked VWtick for the heads up and was first to respond. The owner of the car said he had TONS of calls and was READY to SELL. I am going to sell the car. I do not understand why that bothers you so much. Bottom line is I am a TDI fan myself my wife drives a 2000 Jetta TDI GLS automatic (loaded). When I was looking for the car I came to the forum and was reffered to several dealers unforunelty none had a white one so I had to go buy one elsewhere. I have met LOTS of nice people on here and look forward to meeting TONS more. You stay in your field and I will stay in mine. I will buy the TDI's and you can buy the beannie babbies.


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2000
Marlow, NH
I'm afraid that I agree with Arizona Mike except for his initial derogatory comment.

When I posted this classified on the board here, I was hoping someone like me who is shopping around would find it, not a dealer so he could resell it. I certainly have no issues with dealers, when I buy cars I am honest about my expectations and not afraid to walk away from a deal (or dealer) I don't like, their loss.

If Gregs is buying this car for his own use great! If he bought it to resell, well then less great, but maybe it will still benefit someone like me (but in FL) who can't take time to fly down to AZ and drive this car back.

It sounds like he is not of the 3rd possibility, he bought the car to mark way up and gouge people as I really don't think the car was that great a deal, after his transp and recond expenses he won't make much given the market price.

After all on that same site there is another TDI Wagon in FL at a dealer for (I think it was) $13,500.

In any case I would have been happiest hearing about someone buying it for themselves and telling everyone at Fred how happy they are. We may still hear that so we need to reserve judgement

Jeff Tickner
78 Camper
2000 Golf TDI Blk/Bge


New member
Feb 7, 2001
Hamilton,MT USA
To all of you grumpy, angry people:
While you were complaining, i decided to go to the source. i just talked to greg on the phone about a certain passat wagon tdi ( for which i have been lookin' for for acouple months now.) He said he would sell it to me for $10000. So back off. He is a nice guy and needs to make a living just like the rest us. thanks

Arizona Mike

Veteran Member
Apr 25, 2000
Phoenix Arizona
Jetta, 1997, White
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by VWTick:
I'm afraid that I agree with Arizona Mike except for his initial derogatory comment.


I have to agree with you that one of my faults is shooting from the hip and saying that I think regardless of the consequences.


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2000
northern utah,usa
Way to go yugomike. Taking care of business, imagine that. You've got to tell us all about it. Did you catch it before it went to florida? If you are driving it back from Arizona drop by so I can drool all over it.



Veteran Member
Oct 13, 1999
Heart of Dixie, USA
Here is another TDI Passat Wagon, in LA.,zr,used&so =l=t&ps=30&pn=1&_htm

2000 Jetta GLS TDI Silver/Black Velour; Lux Pkg; Promo 6-CD changer; Chipped by Upsolute
1996 Dodge Grand Caravan
1987 Nissan Hardbody Pickup (200k miles)

[This message has been edited by Rob_from_Elkmont (edited March 20, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Rob_from_Elkmont (edited March 20, 2001).]


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2000
Edmond, OK, USA
Passat 96 Blue

Great! Greg really is a nice guy and will do everything he says he will.

I think you mean this one don't you?

'96 Passat TDI w/PiperX Cone
1 GHz Athlon Thunderbird

[This message has been edited by ProgMuscle (edited March 21, 2001).]