SilverGhost said:
I only have a camera phone but will try to take a decent photo.
Many thanks... no hurry for this.
SilverGhost said:
In the NAR (North American Region) the trunk is set up to open seperate from the rest of the doors. In Germany (Europe in general?) the trunk is unlocked with the rest of the doors. If I could get my Golf to unlock (but not open) the hatch when I unlock the rest of the doors I would be a vary happy man.
It is going to be a matter of finding the apropriate bit in the CCM... as you say, when I unlock the doors, the trunk is also unlocked. Some minutes after I start moving the car (I don't really know if it is based on the speed or time) the trunk locks by itself, until I use the door switch to unlock-it or the remote key 2.
I just need a dump of one of your CCMs, the closest as possible to mine (1C0 959 799 A/B) and I will do a comparison, which I will be doing as soon as I have some time to play in the car with my CCM. Until now, I was playing with a CCM at home, no power window motors, etc... just the CCM, so I could only use measure blocks to see if something was enabled/disabled when changing bits. I hope that this could be this week-end.
SilverGhost said:
Also be carefull as many states and cities are passing anti-idling laws. Just a heads up.
This I don't gett it, sorry.
pheller said:
More importantly, one must defeat the immobilizer for remote start..... I for one would not be willing to do this.
Very good point... The inmo can be completely disabled, although I do not think that this is the way to go... I assumed that the remote start system would sort this out somehow... but maybe no. In this case, at least something has to be developed to bypass the inmo during the remote start session... I have read somewhere that the inmo III mechanism works like this:
* key inside the start... ignition switched on
* tacho reads the code through the inmo coil and checks it agains the code stored in a flash memory 93CXX. If it is ok, the switches off the inmo light
* when the engine starts, the ECU queries the tacho for inmo state
* if the tacho answers no or does not answer, then engine stops
* if the tacho answers yes, engine goes ahead...
I think that this is more or less the protocol, although I do not have details about the messages... I would have to snoop the K line to figure out... Assuming that this snoop is done, then the steps to start the car remotely could be:
* use the trunk pulse output to indicate remote start request (this assumes that the remote is adapted with the car, etc... some sort of security)
* when this pulse is recognized by the starter circuit, then switch ignition on
* as we will not be able to work inside the tacho... inmo light will stay on
* temporarily derive the K line from tacho to the starter...
* start the car
* wait for the ECU query and reply to the ECU with the expected message
* restore the K line to the ECU.
Does it make sense??? I think I am driving myself crazy