Here are the local motel phone numbers for those needing lodging and directions to the house.
Comfort Inn 800-228-5150
The Bluff Inn 573-785-7711
Holiday Inn 573-776-1200
Drury Peartree Inn 800-325-8300
Super 8 Motel 800-800-8000
Here are the directions for those who need them.
If you are coming from St Louis take I-55 South to Festus/Crystal City area, (exit 174 I think) then take 67 South about 120 miles to Poplar Bluff. Stay on 67 business/ Westwood Blvd, do not take any exits. About 3/4 mile passed the Dodge dealer; you will come to your first stop light. Take a left at that first light onto Katy Lane. Go up and over the hill at this point Katy lanes becomes Barron Road. Continue on Barron Road to the first stop sign (about 0.9 miles), with water tower on the right. Continue on Barron Rd to the second stop sign, (about 1.0 miles) then turn left onto Main St and go up over the hill to first stop sign (about 0.3 miles), then turn right onto Wilcox Road. Take Wilcox Road up over the hill (about 0.2 mile's) and at the first street to the right, (there is a yellow sign with arrows pointing left and right) turn right onto Avondale. Go past one house to the first street to the right and turn right. We are second house on the left. Look for gaggle of VW's and a White Dodge Magnum.
If coming south from IL, the NE area of the US, or SE area of US such as Memphis, take I-57 to US 60, and US 60 to Poplar Bluff, and if coming by I-55 go to the I-55 and US 60 interchange at Sikeston MO. Take the 60 West exit to Poplar Bluff, approx 52 miles. At the second Poplar Bluff exit take the second exit for business 67S/Westwood Blvd. Once on business 67S you will pass the local Dodge/Jeep dealer, proceed about 3/4 mile passed the Dodge dealer till you come to your first stop light. Take a left at that first light onto Katy Lane. Go up and over the hill, at this point Katy lanes becomes Barron Road. Continue on Barron Road to the first stop sign (about 0.9 miles), with water tower on the right. Continue on Barron Rd to the second stop sign, (about 1.0 miles) then turn left onto Main St and go up over the hill to first stop sign (about 0.3 miles), then turn right onto Wilcox Road. Take Wilcox Road up over the hill (about 0.2 mile's) and at the first street to the right, (there is a yellow sign with arrows pointing left and right) turn right onto Avondale. Go past one house to the first street to the right and turn right. We are second house on the left. Look for gaggle of VW's and a White Dodge Magnum.
If coming in from the south of town on Hwy 67N (as some of you AR boys are) Take the 3rd Poplar Bluff exit. You will see the local Dodge/Jeep dealer on your right at this off ramp, proceed about 3/4 mile passed the Dodge dealer on Business 67S/Westwood Blvd till you come to your first stop light. Take a left at that first light onto Katy Lane. Go up and over the hill at this point Katy Lane becomes Barron Road. Continue on Barron Road to the first stop sign (about 0.9 miles), with water tower on the right. Continue on Barron Rd to the second stop sign, (about 1.0 miles) then turn left onto Main St and go up over the hill to first stop sign (about 0.3 miles), then turn right onto Wilcox Road. Take Wilcox Road up over the hill (about 0.2 mile's) and at the first street to the right, (there is a yellow sign with arrows pointing left and right) turn right onto Avondale. Go past one house to the first street to the right and turn right. We are second house on the left. Look for gaggle of VW's and a white Dodge Magnum.
If coming in from the west, go to Springfield MO, and from there take US Highway 60 E to Poplar Bluff. It is all 4 lanes except about 30 miles of the 190 miles to Poplar Bluff. You will take Hwy 60 W to the intersection of 60 and 67 at that point you will take the first exit (60E and 67S) and head south about 8 miles. You will come to an interchange, do not take any exits. You will pass the local Dodge and Jeep dealer, proceed about 3/4 mile passed the Dodge dealer, till you come to your first stop light. Take a left at that first light onto Katy Lane. Go up and over the hill at this point Katy lanes becomes Barron Road. Continue on Barron Road to the first stop sign (about 0.9 miles), with water tower on the right. Continue on Barron Rd to the second stop sign, (about 1.0 miles) then turn left onto Main St and go up over the hill to first stop sign (about 0.3 miles), then turn right onto Wilcox Road. Take Wilcox Road up over the hill (about 0.2 mile's) and at the first street to the right, (there is a yellow sign with arrows pointing left and right) turn right onto Avondale. Go past one house to the first street to the right and turn right. We are second house on the left. Look for gaggle of VW's and a White Dodge Magnum.
For those coming in at the north side of the town (everyone should be) and going straight to the motel, go past the first light and the Super8 is on the right, next to the McDonald's and you can turn into the McD's (easiest way) lot to get to Super8. Holiday inn is on the right about 1/8th mile past the McD's. The Drury and Comfort Inn motels are 1/4 mile down the road about on the left. The Bluff Inn is about 1/10th mile passed the Drury and Comfort Inn's on the opposite side of Westwood Blvd/67Business.
If you have any questions just ask.
Home phone is 573-686-8868
Cell 573-200-0908
Remember KK donuts are always welcome.
36*47'01 N by 090*23'42W is GPS of my BIG recliner.
2610 W Avondale Poplar Bluff, MO 63901