OK, time for another \"I need a roomie\" thread
I must apologise to all the people who have responded on this thread.
Busy-ness and other immediate priorities had shoved aside stuff coming up months away, but I was reminded that the `Fest is only 6 weeks away, so I promptly sent in my payment yesterday for the registration that was done probably back during last Christmas.
I would encourage all to do the same to register and send payment as the organisers rely on that money to put down deposits on securing reservations for the hotel and other events. I know this because I was fairly close to the goings-on in the past two TDIFests.
I must admit that I hadn't so much as followed this thread until now; you can be assured it wasn't because I was holding out to get a response from a slim, stunning, 6' blonde female TDI'er to share a room with me...
Fact is, I had already been talking with GeWilli to share a room with him, but he wasn't sure what his circumstances would be around Labour Day, so I left things open until he would better know if he would be able to go. Well, looks like he should be able to go (still not 100% sure), so unless there's some last minute change of plans, I'm hooked up, otherwise since I'm going solo I'll just wing it to find accommodation.
I hope that everyone else will be able to make arrangements and find roomies through this thread.