Hi everyone,
My name is Jason Brunberg, and I started an online VW/Audi parts business called German OEM Parts Ltd in 2013. The purpose of this venture is to help Canadians get better access to quality OEM and aftermarket parts for the VWs and Audis within Canada. There's lots of good options in the US, but I believe that I can get you most of what you need for the same landed cost or better, and quicker.
I'm still trying to figure my way around these forums, and am trying not to ruffle any feathers, or rock any boats. For this reason, I've been quietly PMing or emailing some of you over the past few days, instead of posting replies to people asking "Where can I get this part?". My goal is that in time, many of you will answer "email Jason at German OEM".
As I've mentioned in my PMs, my website (
www.germanoem.ca) is still in its infancy, and only has about 330 or so parts listings. I have much more than this on hand, and have access to literally anything you may need. I won't be able to beat everyone's price, but I like seeing if I can find a way to do it. If I can't, then I'll lose that battle, but keep fighting the war.
I look forward to helping out the Canadian tdiclub community, and hope to hear from you all soon.
PS: emailing me at
jason@germanoem.ca is the best way to get a hold of me because it gives me the opportunity to send pricing and pictures as necessary.