Well, I think my poor 09 may be succumbing to this...
Year: 2009
Build Date:
Make/Model: VW Jetta
Tranny: DSG
Mileage: ~135k
Diesel Fuel Source: BP, Philips 66
Additives: Occasionally Howe's Diesel Treat
Problem: Back in March, started sputtering like a cylinder was not firing, let out acrid smelling grey smoke. Went away on it's own. Started again last week after refueling, got worse over the week, with it stalling once in a drive-thru, now has glow plug light blinking and CEL on, with it running in limp mode, sputtering as it does. Still lots of grey smoke. A few small metal flakes in filter housing, but nothing too serious. When it was driving fine, but just sputtering, the fuel consumption seemed normal.
Dealer: Baxter VW Omaha. Have not gone to the dealer yet.
Status: Going to be pulling codes and likely changing my dieselgate option to the buyback, assuming I'll be able to get it to the dealer...
At this point, with my transmission clunking about while shifing into 2nd, and when going from drive to park or neutral, buyback seems more economical. I don't want to, but...