It depends. If you're upside-down on the loan then you're losing out on every payment, since all VW is going to do is pay the loan off. In my case, I'm so close to the end of my loan that I'd lose like $4 per month in interest, so at least that aspect isn't a big deal.
Paying the loan vs waiting does not mean you lose money on interest (if I understand the comments correctly). Most banks compound daily and any "payoff" amount is a guesstimate with that daily compounding included. If you get your payment in quicker than they estimate you will, you will get a check back due to your payoff actually being slightly lower than estimated since the interest was compounded over fewer days. (This has happened to me).
Making the payment TODAY will actually save you money vs waiting until the end of the payment period as you will be compounding interest over a lower balance for the rest of the period.
Now, with most interest rates most car loans have, and the low balance you say you have, and the short time period, it probably won't be more than pennies.
ETA: For making the payment now vs end of the month and the difference it would make, the actual current balance does not matter, since it is only the compounded interest for the actual payment amount that matters, and a balance of $100 or $10000 does not change the $350 payment amount.