New member
I really hate incompetency, so I am reaching out to the forum to see if anyone else has not received payment in a timely manner.
I turned in my 2013 VW Beetle TDI Convertible on February 11th to the VW dealer in Florence South Carolina. I elected to have an electronic transfer of the $22,785.86 for claim 160993394/1. The representative told me I would receive an email from Chase Bank within one or two business days authorizing transfer of the funds to my checking account. I did receive the email as promised, however after clicking on the "Accept Money" icon and entering the confirmation information, the Chase system locked me out and said I needed to contact VW.
I have called VW four times now and received pleasant treatment and empty promises that I would receive another email. After the second call each representative expressed dismay
that I hadn't been paid and promises to elevate the claim. I'm on my third elevation and still no authorization. I called Chase and they told me the hold had been placed by VW and only VW could release it.
Last evening my wife asked if I had verified whether the bank loan had been paid off. I checked and no it doesn't appear to have been because the bank withdrew another $667 payment on February 27th, which was sixteen days after I turned the car in.
My last call to VW on Monday started off the same way but I told the representative that I was losing faith and wanted to elevate the claim. She gave me the number of the the VW Claim Counsel. Of course when I called that number it was answered by a voice mail requesting I leave my name and number so that they could return my call in the order it was received; that was three days ago and no return call.
The Chase email states "You must accept the payment by 03/15/2017 or it will be canceled." Gee that's Wednesday!
I have been patient and courteous with the VW representatives and tried to be proactive to get this resolved, but *** is going on? Anyone else having these type issues? Is VW going broke and trying to slow the bleeding?
I'm now officially pissed off
because I no longer have the car, I've signed over the car to VW and it is God knows where, I apparently still owe the bank for the car loan and I don't have my nearly twenty three thousand dollars!
Damn, I loved that car and VW vehicles in general, but I feel used and now abused.
I turned in my 2013 VW Beetle TDI Convertible on February 11th to the VW dealer in Florence South Carolina. I elected to have an electronic transfer of the $22,785.86 for claim 160993394/1. The representative told me I would receive an email from Chase Bank within one or two business days authorizing transfer of the funds to my checking account. I did receive the email as promised, however after clicking on the "Accept Money" icon and entering the confirmation information, the Chase system locked me out and said I needed to contact VW.
I have called VW four times now and received pleasant treatment and empty promises that I would receive another email. After the second call each representative expressed dismay
Last evening my wife asked if I had verified whether the bank loan had been paid off. I checked and no it doesn't appear to have been because the bank withdrew another $667 payment on February 27th, which was sixteen days after I turned the car in.
My last call to VW on Monday started off the same way but I told the representative that I was losing faith and wanted to elevate the claim. She gave me the number of the the VW Claim Counsel. Of course when I called that number it was answered by a voice mail requesting I leave my name and number so that they could return my call in the order it was received; that was three days ago and no return call.
The Chase email states "You must accept the payment by 03/15/2017 or it will be canceled." Gee that's Wednesday!
I have been patient and courteous with the VW representatives and tried to be proactive to get this resolved, but *** is going on? Anyone else having these type issues? Is VW going broke and trying to slow the bleeding?
I'm now officially pissed off
Damn, I loved that car and VW vehicles in general, but I feel used and now abused.