Boy now, that was a shock - going to work, running 80, radio blaring, then this loud buzzing noise and feeling. Look at the Tach, and holy s%*#t - its between 5000 and 6000!! Pulled over with no-go situation and lots of lights blinking on the dash, specifically the Traction Control. Its a perfectly dry straight stretch, traction control???
Put it in gear again, no-go, and the tach just jumps. Turned off the car, counted to 10, and refired (done this with my tractor and my F350). Oh, and now it will go into Drive.
I start out again, and it sounds and acts fine. Blinking lights all go away, but the Code light is set. Got to work and pulled a Scan. The only Code was a U0101; "Onboard Computer; No communication with transmission control module". That is what it acted like, but sheesh, can't the electronics in this thing hold their liquor at speed?
Has anyone else had this problem??
Put it in gear again, no-go, and the tach just jumps. Turned off the car, counted to 10, and refired (done this with my tractor and my F350). Oh, and now it will go into Drive.
I start out again, and it sounds and acts fine. Blinking lights all go away, but the Code light is set. Got to work and pulled a Scan. The only Code was a U0101; "Onboard Computer; No communication with transmission control module". That is what it acted like, but sheesh, can't the electronics in this thing hold their liquor at speed?
Has anyone else had this problem??