next tune advise


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2013
new ipswich nh
13 jetta tdi
im confused...
i thought stg 3 was 190/350
now its 180/310?

and stg 3.5 is 190/315

my stg 2 dynod 165/310 .... i now have cr170 turbo on.... how long will the stock clutch last with stg 3/ 3.5


Veteran Member
Apr 23, 2013
Houston, TX
2003 Jetta TDI Manual, BMW 328d SW
When you think about it... What is a stage? And why on earth are we using an arbitrary number to think that we can make more or less power?


Veteran Member
Feb 18, 2015
2011 Golf TDI
When you think about it... What is a stage? And why on earth are we using an arbitrary number to think that we can make more or less power?
I think of it as an easy way to keep track of "sets" of modifications. Makes it a little easier to know what someone is talking about rather than having to list half a dozen mods each time you want to talk about something. This isn't 100% reliable obviously, but if someone says they have a stage 3 CR you at least know what turbo they're running.

Guessing power based on stages though is almost useless because measuring power is such a crapshoot. Different brands of dynos read differently, ambient temp is different, elevation is different, dyno operator is different etc. Tuners themselves are revising their tunes so one person's stage 3 tune could be different than another's. There's just too many variables to say "Stage 3 = x HP and y Tq". They're useful for saying "my car on this dyno made X HP when I was stage 2 and now makes Y amount more at stage 3", but using it to compare 2 different cars doesn't say much unless you eliminate all of the variables.

The people who sell these mods have to list something because obviously potential customers want to know what they're getting into, but treating those numbers like they're set in stone just isn't realistic.


Veteran Member
Apr 23, 2013
Houston, TX
2003 Jetta TDI Manual, BMW 328d SW
Yep. :) Just an open ended question to put into perspective how silly it is.

I haven't seen the Euro tuners speaking of stages, but rather estimated power level or fueling increase.