This may be the stupidest question I could ask, but then again, if I knew everything, I would have no reason to ever question anything.
I know our cars, and most cars, have adaptive throttle, adaptive transmissions, adaptive everything that learn our driving style and adapt as needed. Hell, the best BMW false mod was always to put the key in run, hold the gas down for 30 seconds, let off and then start the car. Computer would think all of your driving was WOT and the car would be much more responsive for about a day or two. Got tired of arguing with people that it was just an adaptation adjustment and not an actual reset of anything.
Anyways, enough rambling and on to the question.
Is it possible that the parts of the program that were not modified needed time to adapt to the parts that were? Everything I said in my initial review was true at the time, but I swear each time I drive it it gets better. I’m at about 300 miles now and I’m here to tell you, this car is now an absolute joy to drive. The EGTs seem to have settled, the boost now locks and holds at 26.4, and it just pulls like crazy.
I’m an analyst by nature and the only three possibilities I can come up with are the weather, the car adapting to the tune, or me adapting to the car. The boost and EGT numbers are without a doubt different today though so number 3 seems least likely.